George MacQuarrie
George MacQuarrie
Top Movie Cast
Forget-Me-Nottrue- Sir Horace Welby The Hunchback of Notre Dametrue- (uncredited) The Love Flowertrue- Thomas Bevan Wanted, A Mothertrue- Dr. Homer The Cabarettrue- Stanley Sargent Backbonetrue- The Constable of France Sacred Silencetrue- Maj. Marston Call of the Wildtrue- Mounted Policeman A Bedtime Storytrue- Henry Joudain Desiretrue- Clerk With Gun Love in a Hurrytrue- George Templar Stolen Orderstrue- Adm. Gaveston The Heart of a Herotrue- Guy Fitzroy The Mighty Barnumtrue- Daniel Webster Betsy Rosstrue- George Washington The Plainsmantrue- Gen. Merritt Robin Hood of El Doradotrue- Smithers The Social Lepertrue- Henry Armstrong The Idol Dancertrue- Rev. Franklyn Blythe The Hole in the Walltrue- Inspector Duck Souptrue- First Judge (uncredited) The Rejected Womantrue- Samuel Du Prez Lawless Valleytrue- Tim Wade Trail of the Vigilantestrue- Rancher This Land Is Minetrue- Chief of Police Diamond Jimtrue- Stockbroker Hotel Imperialtrue- Frightened Old Man (uncredited) Find the Womantrue- Judge Walbrough Rulers of the Seatrue- Seaman (Uncredited) Abraham Lincolntrue- Member of Lincoln's Cabinet (uncredited) Big Brown Eyestrue- Chief of Detectives (Uncredited) The Black Roomtrue- The Judge Les Misérablestrue- Doorman at Arras Hitting the Trailtrue- Reverend Thomas Roberts The Golden Walltrue- Rudolph Miller The Beautiful Mrs. Reynoldstrue- George Washington The Price of Pridetrue- Ben Richardson All Mantrue- Gillette Barker Her Hourtrue- Ralph Christie Forbidden Lovetrue- Peter Van Zandt Shall We Forgive Her?true- James Stapleton