Charles Granval
Charles Granval
Top Movie Cast
The Honorable Catherinetrue- Jérôme Boudu Saved from Drowningtrue- Édouard Lestingois Fantastic Nighttrue- Adalbert Behold the Mantrue- Caïphe A Woman of No Importancetrue Blanchettetrue- Papa Rousset The Woman I Loved the Mosttrue- Industrial Wicked Duchesstrue- The vidame of Pamiers Pontcarral, Empire Coloneltrue- Marquis de Ransac The Count of Monte Cristo Part 1 - The Prisoner of Kastelltrue- Monsieur Morel The Ménard Collectiontrue- Millionaire centenarian (uncredited) Midnight in Paristrue- Laborde Premier baltrue- De Lormel, Sr. The Benefactortrue- Mayor They Were Fivetrue- le père Guilard La Banderatrue- "Sego", Saharan bar owner The End of the Daytrue- Deaubonne French White Cargotrue- Blanco The Man of the Daytrue- Le colonial Sarati the Terribletrue- Jean Hudelot Profile Images
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