Percy Kilbride
Percy Kilbride
Top Movie Cast
Knickerbocker Holidaytrue- Schermerhorn Keeper of the Flametrue- Orion Peabody You Gotta Stay Happytrue- Mr. Racknell State Fairtrue- Dave Miller Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fairtrue- Pa Kettle George Washington Slept Heretrue- Mr. Kimber Crazy Housetrue- Col. Cornelius Merriweather Guest in the Housetrue- John The Egg and Itrue- Frank 'Pa' Kettle The Southernertrue- W. Harmie Ma and Pa Kettletrue- Frank 'Pa' Kettle Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacationtrue- Pa Kettle Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikikitrue- Pa Kettle Mr. Soft Touchtrue- Rickle Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farmtrue- Pa Kettle Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Towntrue- Pa Kettle She Wouldn't Say Yestrue- Judge Whittaker Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'true- Billy Caswell Riding Hightrue- Pop Jones The Sun Comes Uptrue- Mr. Willie B. Williegood Welcome Strangertrue- Nat Dorkas Black Barttrue- Jersey Brady Ellis in Freedomlandtrue- The Dehumidifier (voice) Free For Alltrue- Henry J. Abbott The Well Groomed Bridetrue- Mr. Dawson Ma and Pa Kettle at Hometrue- Pa Kettle You Were Meant for Metrue- Andrew Mayhew She's a Soldier Tootrue- Jonathan Kittredge The Woman of the Towntrue- Rev. Samuel Small Soak the Richtrue- Everett, 2nd Detective Profile Images
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