Fred Aldrich
Fred Aldrich
Top Movie Cast
A Town Has Turned to Dusttrue- Townsman Mrs. Miketrue- Louis Beauclaire Wanderer of the Wastelandtrue- Killer (uncredited) Dick Tracy vs. Cueballtrue- Ship Officer (uncredited) Once Upon a Honeymoontrue- German Storm Trooper (uncredited) Without Reservationstrue- Train Passenger (uncredited) The Yellow Mountaintrue- (uncredited) Storm Warningtrue- Townsman on Courthouse Steps (uncredited) It Happened in Flatbushtrue- Burly Baseball Fan Man in the Darktrue- Cop (uncredited) The Gunfight at Dodge Citytrue- Townsman (uncredited) The First Texantrue- Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Calamity Janetrue- Chicagoan (uncredited) I'll Be Seeing Youtrue- Sidewalk Cowboy (uncredited) The Dolly Sisterstrue- Soldier Here Comes Troubletrue- Hood at Burlesque House (uncredited) An American Romancetrue- Assembly Line Worker (uncredited) River of No Returntrue- Prospector (uncredited) Riders of the Dawntrue- Townsman (uncredited) Larceny in Her Hearttrue- Asylum Orderly The Tattered Dresstrue- Man on Courthouse Steps (uncredited) Lover Come Backtrue- Harrison - Peter Ramsey's Chauffeur (uncredited) Gambling Housetrue- Court Bailiff (uncredited) Short Grasstrue- Townsman (uncredited) Who's Minding the Mint?true- Guard Our Man Flinttrue- Restaurant Patron (uncredited) What a Way to Go!true- Restaurant Patron (uncredited) A Life at Staketrue- Suspicious Stranger (uncredited) The Phantom of 42nd Streettrue- Detective (uncredited) Mystery Broadcasttrue- Policeman (uncredited) Davy Crockett and the River Piratestrue- Townsman (uncredited) Confessions of a Nazi Spytrue- Nazi at Bund Meeting (uncredited) Big Towntrue- Cop (uncredited) The Best Mantrue- Delegate (uncredited) Big Town After Darktrue- Police Car Driver (uncredited) Big Town Scandaltrue- Policeman (uncredited) Raintree Countytrue- Townsman (uncredited) Lady in the Death Housetrue- Guard (uncredited) Pinkytrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Last Hurrahtrue- Man at Campaign HQ (uncredited) Deadline at Dawntrue- Nightclub Guest (uncredited) A Likely Storytrue- Man in Tiny's Place (uncredited) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Courttrue- Peasant (uncredited) The Great Dictatortrue- Soldier (uncredited) Woman in Hidingtrue- Bus Passenger (uncredited) Pat and Miketrue- Golf Spectator (uncredited) Where the Sidewalk Endstrue- Detective at Staff Meeting (uncredited) A Big Hand for the Little Ladytrue- Barfly (uncredited) Sunset Boulevardtrue- Cop Who Drags Joe's Body from Pool (uncredited) Somebody Up There Likes Metrue- Ringside Photographer (uncredited) Kitty Foyletrue- Man at Premiere / Policeman (uncredited) Scared Stifftrue- Dockworker (uncredited) Mr. Skeffingtontrue- Speakeasy Bouncer (uncredited) Love Thy Neighbortrue- Dock Worker Around the World in Eighty Daystrue- Extra (uncredited) Wake of the Red Witchtrue- Seaman The Fleet's Intrue- Bouncer at Brawl Deep in the Heart of Texastrue- Henchman The Omaha Trailtrue- Oxen Train Bullwhacker Invisible Ghosttrue- Guard at Ralph's Execution (uncredited) One Foot in Helltrue- Barfly (uncredited) 711 Ocean Drivetrue- Peterson - Carl's Chauffeur (uncredited) A Date with the Falcontrue- Spectator at Airport (uncredited) Over My Dead Bodytrue- Joe, 1st Arresting Policeman Bell, Book and Candletrue- Mover (uncredited) The Shakiest Gun in the Westtrue- Passerby (uncredited) Calhountrue- Townsman (uncredited) Captive Wild Womantrue- Roustabout (uncredited) A Woman's Secrettrue- Policeman (Uncredited) The Strange Womantrue- Sailor in Saloon (uncredited) Crash Divetrue- German Seaman Mission to Moscowtrue- Man at Bar in Montage (uncredited) Oklahoma Outlawstrue- Saloon Waiter (uncredited) Johnny O'Clocktrue- Hotel Doorman Bunco Squadtrue- Bunco Unit Detective at Desk (uncredited) Joe Palooka in Winner Take Alltrue- Policeman at Fight Arena King of the Roaring 20's – The Story of Arnold Rothsteintrue- O'Brien Hood (uncredited) Badman's Territorytrue- Townsman at Dance (uncredited) Pretty Babytrue- Train Passenger (uncredited) Address Unknowntrue- Rock-Tossing-Rioter (uncredited) The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gaptrue- Trial Spectator (uncredited) Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in Hollywoodtrue- Assistant to Robert Z. Leonard (uncredited) Al Caponetrue- Funeral Spectator The Great Sinnertrue- Gambling Casino Patron (uncredited) When Strangers Marrytrue- Police Detective (uncredited) House of Strangerstrue- Construction Worker (uncredited) Undercover Maisietrue- Bouncer (Uncredited) Journey Into Lighttrue- Foreman The Quiet Guntrue- Townsman (uncredited) Detective Kitty O'Daytrue- Policeman Joe Kasinski (uncredited) The Stranglertrue- Apartment House Manager (uncredited) Public Pigeon No. 1true- Heavy Truck Driver (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Belle of the YukontrueCrew