Gertrude Short
Gertrude Short
Top Movie Cast
The Narrow Streettrue- Nell Mangan The Prisonertrue- Lady Jane The Only Roadtrue- Bianca The Driver Of The Deadwood Coachtrue- Driver's Daughter Wild Moneytrue- Miss Green You Never Can Telltrue- Vera Tillie the Toilertrue- Bubbles A Bit o' Heaventrue- A Raggedy Ruggles The Other Woman's Storytrue- Gertie Van Rent Freetrue- Justine Tate The Keytrue- Evie, the barmaid Gold Diggers of Broadwaytrue- Topsy The Hostagetrue- Sophia (her sister) The Showtrue- Lena Driskai Sweet Adelinetrue- Cabaret Dancer A Little Princesstrue- Ermigarde Headin' Westtrue- Potato Polly Penny Wisdomtrue- Chloe Smudge (uncredited) Park Avenue Loggertrue- Margy MacLean Tip-Off Girlstrue- 'Boots' Milburn The Purple Masktrue- Mary MacLean Laughing Sinnerstrue- Edna The St. Louis Kidtrue- Babe Smith - the Girl Buck Picks Up Beggar on Horsebacktrue- Gladys Cady Bulldog Drummondtrue- Barmaid Happiness Aheadtrue- Party Reveller Leap Yeartrue- Molly Morris The Blottrue- Neighbor Olsen's Daughter (uncredited) Broadway Serenadetrue- 2nd 5&10 Salesgirl (uncredited) Secret Sinnerstrue- Sue's Chum - the Chorus Girl The Thin Mantrue- Marian (uncredited) Barbara Frietchietrue- Sue Rogers The Girl in 419true- Lucy - Housekeeper Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alleytrue- Gossip (uncredited) What Price Hollywood?true- Waitress Letting Mary Serve Max (uncredited) The Gold Diggerstrue- Topsy St. John The Broadway Hoofertrue- Annabelle Little Accidenttrue- Miss Clark Front Page Womantrue- Miss Dunn (uncredited) Her Market Valuetrue- Kitty Trial Marriagetrue- Prudence Crinoline and Romancetrue- Sibil Vane Code of the Westtrue- Mollie Thurman The Man Life Passed Bytrue- Paula Tom, Dick and Harrytrue- Bridge Matron (uncredited) Women's Warestrue- Maisie Duncan The Masked Womantrue- Mimi The Lilytrue- Lucie Plock Love Birdstrue- Burlesque Girl Riddle Gawnetrue- Jane Gawne 'G' Mentrue- Collins' Moll (uncredited) The Son of Kongtrue- Persistent Reporter (uncredited) The Talkertrue- Maud Fells Easy to Gettrue- Gertrude My Lady's Lipstrue- Crook girl Blonde Venustrue- Sally, Receptionist at Talent Agency (uncredited) Blackie's Redemptiontrue- Baby Doll Boy Crazytrue- Evelina Skinner Spots Before Your Eyestrue