David Selvas
David Selvas
Top Movie Cast
Summer Cloudstrue- Robert Pau and His Brothertrue- Pau Che: Part Twotrue- Lieutenant Colonel Andrés Selich The Cuckoo's Cursetrue- Lucas God's Crooked Linestrue- Heliodoro Cell 211true- Ernesto Dueñas The Invisible Guesttrue- Bruno De la ley a la leytrue- Adolfo Suárez Atlas de geografía humanatrue- Javier Álvarez Beloved/Friendtrue- David Parenostretrue- Artur Mas Català, al resCattrue- Self Top Movie Crew
T’estimo si he beguttrueDirecting
The importance of being EarnesttrueDirecting
The importance of being EarnesttrueWriting