Clint Jung
Clint Jung
Top Movie Cast
Music Withintrue- Richard's Dad Cover-Up '62true- Tom Nogushi The Paradise Virustrue- Frye The Silent Forcetrue- Billy Lee Dangerous Isolationtrue- Hergott Leonard Part 6true- Medusa Guard Suburban Swingers Clubtrue- Sato Anna's Evetrue- Dr. Patrick Lam Starting from Scratchtrue- Clint One Under the Suntrue- Robert Liu Aleta: Vampire Mistresstrue- Detective Bill Warren Stalked by My Doctor: The Returntrue- FBI Agent Chung The Revenanttrue- Marty Kim Teeth and Bloodtrue- Old Man When I've Wanted To Dietrue- Dad The Girl with No Numbertrue- Vu Anonymous Killerstrue- Detective Nance Last Three Daystrue- Roger Digging to Deathtrue- Mr. Wu Shopping for Fangstrue- Jim Lee Urgencytrue- Newscaster #1 Crash and Burntrue- First Agent Garlic and Gunpowdertrue- Barry Ling