Boris Romanov
Boris Romanov
Top Movie Cast
Treasure Raiderstrue- Varfolomey Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputintrue- Balashov Parade of the Planetstrue- Chemist Silence of Doctor Ivenstrue- Buemi A Show for a Single Mantrue Avariya - Cop's Daughtertrue- Andrey Olegovich Humiliated and Insultedtrue- Nikolai Ikhmenev Selfportrait of an Unknown Mantrue- Boris Entrance to Labyrinthtrue- Vladimir Lyzhin Balagantrue- Grisha Skryabin Savage Hunt of King Stakhtrue- forensic investigator Mishka, Seryoga and Itrue The Inhabited Island 2: Rebelliontrue- Guide Back in the USSRtrue- Father Peter The Iron Curtaintrue- Vladimir Vasilyevich Orlov, Neighbor in a communal apartment Emissary of the Foreign Centretrue- штабс-капитан Воронков Грозное времяtrue- Aleksey Basmanov I Am Berezatrue- Nemetskiy ofitser Through the Eyes of a Wolftrue The Legend of the Icontrue- Serafim - monk The Life of Beethoventrue