Fyodor Odinokov
Fyodor Odinokov
Top Movie Cast
В одну единственную жизньtrue Extension of the Familytrue Escape to the End of the Worldtrue Trial on the Roadtrue- Ерофеич At War as at Wartrue- Osip Byankin White Explosiontrue- Семён Иванович Green Signalstrue- Semyon, truck driver Women Kingdomtrue- Vasili Prohindiada or running on the spottrue- директор ресторана Федор Иванович Dauriatrue- Yepifan Kozulin The Petrukha Familytrue- столяр Ten Little Indianstrue- Фред Нарракотт, лодочник Who, If Not You...true- Николай Кузьмич Батов When Leaving, Leavetrue- дядя Харитон Soft-Boiled Bootstrue- Semyon Ожиданиеtrue- Александр Нилыч Old Wallstrue- Aleksandr Ivanovich The Highwaytrue- Person on duty And There Was Evening, And There Was Morningtrue The Limit of Possibletrue A Soldier Came Back from the Fronttrue Частное лицоtrue- отец Петровой The Siberian Womantrue- Миронов С весельем и отвагойtrue- Babai The Ivanov Familytrue- Zapryagayev Hop: The Fortresstrue- Филарет Auctiontrue- Mitrofanych (kuznets) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Acquaintancetrue- Dr. Roylott Discoverytrue- горный мастер Splashes of Champagnetrue- Restaurant Doorman Operation 'Trust'true- a janitor The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finntrue The End of the Lyubavinestrue- chekist Антрацитtrue- Georgiy Stepanovich On the Track of the Wolftrue It's Not Always Summer in Crimeatrue The Foundlingtrue- Passerby (uncredited)