Ray Teal
Ray Teal
Top Movie Cast
Decoytrue- Policeman (uncredited) Rogue Coptrue- Patrolman Mullins The Princess and the Piratetrue- Guard (uncredited) The Long Nighttrue- Mr. Hudson (uncredited) Dangerous Businesstrue- Plainclothesman (uncredited) Ace in the Holetrue- Sheriff Nothing But Troubletrue- Police Officer (uncredited) Black Barttrue- Pete (uncredited) She Has What It Takestrue- Cop (uncredited) Home Town Storytrue- Complaining Electrical Worker (uncredited) Circumstantial Evidencetrue- Policeman Tomorrow Is Another Daytrue- Mr. Dawson Edge of Doomtrue- Ned Moore Gunman's Walktrue- Jensen Sieverts Band of Angelstrue- Mr. Calloway Jumping Jackstrue- W.W. Timmons The Man from Coloradotrue- Bartender The Turning Pointtrue- Clint, Police Captain Thousands Cheertrue- Ringmaster at Circus (uncredited) Bathing Beautytrue- Maitre d' at Adams Club (uncredited) Distant Drumstrue- Pvt. Mohair Blonde Alibitrue- Detective Jones (Uncredited) The Captive Citytrue- Chief Gillette Decision at Sundowntrue- Morley Chase I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoestrue- Death Row Guard (uncredited) The Desperate Hourstrue- State Police Lt. Fredericks Third Finger, Left Handtrue- Cameraman in Ohio (uncredited) One-Eyed Jackstrue- Barney Bristle Facetrue- Justice Mackley Secret Commandtrue- Shipyard Worker (uncredited) Along Came Jonestrue- Kriendler Fort Worthtrue- Gabe Clevenger Hangman's Knottrue- Quincey The Great Gatsbytrue- Cop at Accident Scene (uncredited) Whistling in Brooklyntrue- Traded Beaver Baseall Player (uncredited) High Walltrue- Police Lieutenant (uncredited) Shadow of the Thin Mantrue- Cab Driver (uncredited) Crime Doctortrue- Detective with Pipe (uncredited) The Indian Fightertrue- Morgan The Chance of a Lifetimetrue- Policeman Joe (Uncredited) Sudantrue- Slave Trader (uncredited) The Hanged Mantrue- Judge Homer Bayne Montana Belletrue- Emmett Dalton The Burning Hillstrue- Joe Sutton Home from the Hilltrue- Dr. Carson The Countess of Monte Cristotrue- Charlie The Redhead and The Cowboytrue- Brock (Union agent) Brute Forcetrue- Jackson - Guard (uncredited) Driftwoodtrue- Mr. Perkins About Mrs. Leslietrue- Barney The Oklahomantrue- Jason - Stableman The Commandtrue- Dr. Trent Ambush at Tomahawk Gaptrue- Doc Bullet for a Badmantrue- Townsman Deadline for Murdertrue- Frank (uncredited) The Petty Girltrue- Policeman #1 (uncredited) Cattle Kingtrue- Edwin 'Ed' Winters (Teton Ranch Foreman) The Tall Strangertrue- Cap Fury at Furnace Creektrue- Sergeant (uncredited) Streets of Laredotrue- Cantrel Warpathtrue- Maj. Reno (uncredited) The Missing Ladytrue- Interrogating Detective with Black Mustache (uncredited) Secret Enemiestrue- Casey (uncredited) Hello Out Theretrue- The Husband Harbor of Missing Mentrue- Frank Leggett Girl on the Runtrue- Lt. Harper Cattle Towntrue- Judd Hastings The Lion and the Horsetrue- Dave Tracy The Man from Bitter Ridgetrue- Shep Bascom Lucky Metrue- Thayer Crony (uncredited) Once More, My Darlingtrue- Truck Driver One Sunday Afternoontrue- Policeman on bicycle Western Jamboreetrue- McCall Adventures of Red Rydertrue- Shark Apache Ambushtrue- Sgt. Tim O'Roarke Pony Posttrue- Claud Richards Adventuretrue- Steve - Maritime Commissioner (uncredited) Till the Clouds Roll Bytrue- Movie Studio Orchestra Conductor (uncredited) Anchors Aweightrue- Assistant Movie Director (uncredited) Give Me a Sailortrue- Sailor Playing Clarinet (uncredited) Raw Dealtrue- (uncredited) Our Very Owntrue- Jim Lynch Posse from Helltrue- Banker It Happens Every Springtrue- Mac (uncredited) Whispering Smithtrue- Seagrue Chisumtrue- Justice J.B. Wilson Apache Trailtrue- Ed Cotton Utah Blainetrue- Russ Nevers The Asphalt Jungletrue- Cop in Car Barn Slugged by Dix (uncredited) Hazardtrue- Plain Clothes Policeman in L.A. (uncredited) Radio Patroltrue- Perkins Judgment at Nurembergtrue- Curtiss Ives The Wild Onetrue- Frank Bleeker Billy the Kidtrue- Sammy Axel (uncredited) Carrietrue- Allen - Bondsman The Guns of Fort Petticoattrue- Salt Pork Prairie Chickenstrue- Sam Nazi Agenttrue- Officer Graves (uncredited) Ambushtrue- Capt. J.R. Wolverson Main Street After Darktrue- Cop at Finale (uncredited) Viva Cisco Kidtrue- Josh - Stage Holdup Man Inherit the Windtrue- Jessie H. Dunlap Strange Voyagetrue- Capt. Andrews Desert Furytrue- Bus Driver (uncredited) Prairie Schoonerstrue- Wolf Tanner The Green Hornet Strikes Again!true- Chief Guard at Steel Mill Tenth Avenue Angeltrue- Mounted Train Yard Guard (uncredited) Along the Great Dividetrue- Deputy Lou Gray The Phantom Stagecoachtrue- Sheriff Ned Riorden No Way Outtrue- Day Deputy in Hospital Prison Ward (uncredited) Road Housetrue- Policeman Calling Dr. Gillespietrue- Detroit Policeman (uncredited) U-Boat Prisonertrue- C.P.O. Shaw (uncredited) Winchester '73true- Marshall Noonan (uncredited) The Liberation of L.B. Jonestrue- Chief of Police The Sea of Grasstrue- Cattleman (uncredited) The Black Arrowtrue- Nick Appleyard Trail of the Vigilantestrue- Deputy Sheriff Roses Are Redtrue- Weston Run for Covertrue- Sheriff Dead Reckoningtrue- Motorcycle Cop (uncredited) Taggarttrue- Ralph Taggart Sergeant Yorktrue- Marching Soldier (uncredited) Northwest Passagetrue- Bradley McNeil The Wild Northtrue- Ruger Strange Cargotrue- Guard (uncredited) Kitty Foyletrue- Clarinet Player (uncredited) My Favorite Brunettetrue- State Trooper Sergeant (uncredited) The Peanut Mantrue- Dr. Miller I Love You Againtrue- Watchman Melody Ranchtrue- Henchman Davy Crockett, Indian Scouttrue- Capt. McHale When You're Smilingtrue- Steve The Kid from Texastrue- Sheriff Rand Wild Bill Hickok Ridestrue- Jack Handley Outlaws of the Panhandletrue- Walt Burnett Northwest Rangerstrue- Poker Player Overland Mailtrue- Phony Indian Undercover Maisietrue- Man at Union Station Honky Tonktrue- Poker Player on Train They Died with Their Boots Ontrue- Barfly (uncredited) Don Winslow of the Navytrue- Gang Radioman Barker Woman of the Yeartrue- Married Sports Reporter (uncredited) Rage at Dawntrue- Sheriff of Seymour Dangerous Blondestrue- Detective Charlie Temple (uncredited) Slightly Dangeroustrue- Pedestrian lifting Peggy up (uncredited) The Strange Womantrue- Alex Duncan (uncredited) American Spoken Heretrue- Bartender (uncredited) Quicksandtrue- Motorcycle Officer None Shall Escapetrue- Oremski Cry of the Werewolftrue- Ed, a Policeman (uncredited) The Bugle Soundstrue- Sergeant The Missing Jurortrue- Chief of Detectives at Line-Up (Uncredited) The Best Years of Our Livestrue- Mr. Mollett Walk a Crooked Miletrue- Police Sergeant Deep Valleytrue- Prison Official Bad Boytrue- Policeman Bob A Gun in His Handtrue- Police Lt. O'Neill (uncredited) Main Street Todaytrue- Ed a Citizen at Committee Meeting (uncredited) Madame Curietrue- Driver (uncredited) The Secret of Convict Laketrue- Sheriff Cromwell (uncredited) The Miracle of the Bellstrue- Koslick, Miner Ode to Victorytrue- Master Sergeant - Orchestra Conductor (uncredited) Fingers at the Windowtrue- Police Car #12 Driver (uncredited) Strange Affairtrue- Truck Driver (Uncredited) Escape from Crimetrue- Gangster The Adventures of Galleghertrue- Snead Gallegher: The Mystery of Edward Simstrue- Sheriff Snead Gallegher Goes Westtrue- Snead Hollywood Canteentrue- Army Captain (uncredited) Where Danger Livestrue- Sheriff Joe Borden (uncredited) Convictedtrue- Cell Block / Yard Guard (uncredited) Oh, You Beautiful Dolltrue- Policeman Back to Bataantrue- Lt. Col. Roberts (uncredited) Captain Kiddtrue- Michael O'Shawn (uncredited) Saddle the Windtrue- Brick Larson Gun Crazytrue- California Border Inspector (uncredited) The Wayward Girltrue- Sheriff Mr. Soft Touchtrue- Squad Car Police Officer (Uncredited) The Bandit of Sherwood Foresttrue- Little John Ziegfeld Girltrue- Pawnbroker (uncredited) Michigan Kidtrue- Sergeant Joan of Arctrue- Bertrand de Poulengy, a squire The Blessed Midnighttrue- Mr. O'Hara Maisie Goes to Renotrue- Policeman (Uncredited) Undercover Maisietrue- Wolf at Union Station (Uncredited) Daredevils of the Cloudstrue- Jim Mitchell Keep Your Powder Drytrue- Army Captain/Camouflage Leader (uncredited) The Man from Coloradotrue- Bartender (uncredited) Cheyennetrue- Gambler (uncredited) Canyon Passagetrue- Neal Howison (uncredited) The Soul of a Monstertrue- Truck Driver (uncredited) Profile Images
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