Tomasz Sapryk
Tomasz Sapryk
Top Movie Cast
Playing Hardtrue- Psycholog Wojtek Brigitte Bardot Forevertrue- Jóźwiak Breakfast in Bedtrue- Paweł Janicki The Career of Nikos Dyzmatrue- grabarz "Niemrawy" Came the Uhlanstrue- Józek Day of the Wackotrue- polityk Love in an Underground Passagetrue- "Ubek" We're All Christstrue- Security Angel Night Conversationstrue- Instructor in birthing school Sfora: Bez litościtrue- handlarz narkotykami The Taming of the Shrewdtrue- Jędruś Feast of Firetrue- Poldek Łowca. Ostatnie starcietrue- Thorn To mytrue- Karolina's Parents' Lawyer Jest sprawa...true- Tadek Zawadzki Love Me and Do Whatever You Wanttrue- Mr. Tolek A Time for Witchestrue- policjant Mikołaj Nie ten człowiektrue- Nowak Weekend Stories: The Soul Singstrue- laryngolog Szczurtrue- mieszkaniec podziemia Supermarkettrue- Michał Warecki Broad Peaktrue- Andrzej Zawada The Taming of the Shrewd 2true- Jędruś Prophettrue- Zenon Kliszko A Really Short Story about Love, Killing and Still Another Feelingtrue Never Say Nevertrue- Leon The Tenant. You Can't Burn Us All.true- Mariusz Rakowicz Nothing Funnytrue- Operator's assistant on the set of Adam's film My Name Is Kitrue- therapist Adam And a Warm Hearttrue- Konstanty's Physician Simona Kossaktrue- Deputy Minister Stefan Jarząb Prosta historia o miłościtrue The Reconciliationtrue- Gerhard Althoff Wielka Warszawskatrue- Pelt The Stationtrue- Policeman Starewicz What the Sun Sawtrue- Seba's Father Lawstoranttrue- Kazio Traczyk "Dzieciak" Rozmowy przy wycinaniu lasutrue- Zyzol Heart Is Not a Servicetrue Money Is Not Everythingtrue- Rysio Hijacking Agathatrue- kolega Cygana z celi Life for Life: Maximilian Kolbetrue- złodziej IV Polish Roulettetrue- milicjant z patrolu The Weddingtrue- Sierżant Styś Street Feelingtrue- Tomek Orlik The Getaway Kingtrue- Tereska's father Operacja Kozatrue- Gravedigger Warsaw by Nighttrue- (segment "Helena") Palimpsesttrue- Maciek Hajdziak Oskar, Patka i Złoto Bałtykutrue- Jan Straszylas Me and My Fathertrue- Dawid's Boss