Rezo Esadze
Rezo Esadze
Top Movie Cast
Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clantrue- Illad Small Town of Anaratrue- Varlami Time of Our Childhoodtrue The Nylon Christmas Treetrue Some of the troubles are beneficialtrue- Gaspara Tbilisi, Paris, Tbilisitrue- Gio While a Person is Alivetrue Iz zhizni otdykhayushchikhtrue- photographer Swallows and Sparrowstrue Top Movie Crew
Четыре страницы одной молодой жизниtrueDirecting
A Mill in Suburb of the CitytrueDirecting
The Nylon Christmas TreetrueWriting
The Nylon Christmas TreetrueDirecting
A Mill in Suburb of the CitytrueWriting
Свадебный подарокtrueDirecting
The First FoottrueWriting
Love at First SighttrueDirecting
Unusual HauntingtrueWriting
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