Karlo Sakandelidze
Karlo Sakandelidze
Top Movie Cast
Don't Grieve!true- Dodo, a lawyer Human Sadnesstrue- Bobgai Pierre, a Policeagenttrue- Karlo Mister Adventurerstrue- Kostaya I Was Disgraceful, I Am Leavingtrue- Notary Sizmaratrue- Dzilis Ministri (voice) Georgians In The Skytrue- Hunter My Friend Nodartrue- Obukhovski Someone Is Running Late For The Bustrue Meeting at the Old Mosquetrue 19th-Century Georgian Chronicletrue Magdana's Donkeytrue- Vano Spring Comes Soontrue- Savil Racha, My Lovetrue- Beglari Star of My Towntrue- Farnaoz