Czesław Piaskowski
Czesław Piaskowski
Top Movie Cast
A Cure for Lovetrue- Painter Przystańtrue- Housing Cooperative Member (uncredited) Journey for One Smiletrue- Fukała (uncredited) Two Hourstrue- Soldier in a car (uncredited) Identification Marks: Nonetrue- Resistance member picking up bottles (uncredited) Bicz Bożytrue- Restaurant Client (uncredited) Stajnia na Salvatorzetrue- Butcher (uncredited) Miasteczkotrue- Shooting Range Owner Bitwa o Kozi Dwórtrue- Apple Seller Bad Lucktrue- Militiaman in Jelonek's Apartment (uncredited) Rachunek sumieniatrue- Major's Squad Member (uncredited) The Dolltrue- Railwayman (uncredited) Eagletrue- Bosman Serafin The Others Will Followtrue- Wicek Ewa Wants to Sleeptrue- Oleś (uncredited) Glass Mountaintrue- Czesiek Obok prawdytrue- Elevator Operator The Real End of the Great Wartrue- Gestapo Officer (uncredited) Place on Earthtrue- New Tenant (uncredited) Lotnatrue- Man (uncredited) Night Traintrue- Passenger (uncredited) The People from the Traintrue- Man with a Case All Souls' Daytrue- Partisan The Ring of Queen Anntrue The Delugetrue- A Monk at Jasna Góra (uncredited) Cross of Valortrue- Windak The Stone Skytrue- Man digging a Grave Silent Tracestrue- Waiter (uncredited) The Impossible Goodbyetrue- Spectator (uncredited) The Artillery Sergeant Kaleńtrue- Saszko's Soldier (uncredited) Silencetrue- Patient (uncredited) Cooked Dovestrue- Engineer (uncredited) Don Gabrieltrue- Caretaker (uncredited) Komedie pomyłektrue- Hadleyburg Citizen (uncredited) The Barrel Organtrue- Potter (uncredited) Kierunek Berlintrue- Franek (uncredited) Loneliness of the Coupletrue- Man at Reception (uncredited) The Taste of the Black Earthtrue- Howana Red Rowantrue- Soldier (uncredited) Szkice warszawskietrue- Soldier (uncredited) Ostatnie dnitrue- Franek (uncredited) Scorpio, Virgo and Sagittariustrue- Man at Fair Jeszcze słychać śpiew. I rżenie koni...true- Cavalryman Cierpkie głogitrue- Man at a Party Operation "Brutus"true- Frączak Niedziela sprawiedliwościtrue- Conductor The Hourglass Sanatoriumtrue- Wax Figure of Otto von Bismarck The Warsaw Debuttrue- (uncredited) Two Brigadestrue- Production Designer Shadowtrue- Drunkard (uncredited) Boxertrue- Guard in Prison (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
The Others Will FollowtrueArt
Przeor Kordecki – obrońca CzęstochowytrueArt
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