David Byrd
David Byrd
Top Movie Cast
Lost Highwaytrue- Doctor Smordin The Formulatrue- Obermann Deadman's Curvetrue- Surgeon Big Top Pee-weetrue- Deke Mother Teresa: In the Name of God's Poortrue- Archbishop When the Bough Breakstrue- Larry / Owner Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddesstrue- Leonard Mann Missing Piecestrue- Motel Manager Lacy and the Mississippi Queentrue- Bixby Thick as Thievestrue- Capetti Samson and Delilahtrue- Elon The Hudsucker Proxytrue- Dr. Hugo Bronfenbrenner The Beverly Hillbilliestrue- Mr. Mackey Transplanttrue- Dr. Samuels Sunnysidetrue- Roy Reaper Assolto per aver commesso il fattotrue- Shapiro Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspacetrue- Judge Tango & Cashtrue- Judge McCormick The Man with Two Brainstrue- Desk Clerk Poodle Springstrue- Seymour Corvette Summertrue- Loop Cameraman