John Vulich
John Vulich
Top Movie Cast
Behind the Mask: The Making of The Phantom of the Operatrue- Self The World’s End: The Legacy of 'Day of the Dead'true- Self Gingerdead Man 2: The Passion of the Crusttrue- Gingerdead Man / Makeup Effects Guy #4 Celluloid Wizards in the Video Wasteland: The Saga of Empire Picturestrue- Himself Day of the Deadtrue- Featured Zombie The Dead Walk: Remaking a Classictrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Two Evil EyestrueCostume & Make-Up
CyborgtrueCostume & Make-Up
Dr. AlientrueCostume & Make-Up
Dr. AlientrueCostume & Make-Up
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2trueCostume & Make-Up
Linnea Quigley's Horror WorkouttrueSound
Babylon 5: The River of SoulstrueCostume & Make-Up
Babylon 5: A Call to ArmstrueCostume & Make-Up
MadhousetrueCostume & Make-Up
Babylon 5: ThirdspacetrueCostume & Make-Up
Babylon 5: ThirdspacetrueCostume & Make-Up
Babylon 5: In the BeginningtrueCostume & Make-Up
Night of the Living DeadtrueCostume & Make-Up
Susan's PlantrueCostume & Make-Up