Creep Creepersin
Creep Creepersin
Top Movie Cast
O.C. Babes and the Slasher of Zombietowntrue- Dick Fister I Was a Teenage Suicidetrue- Tiffany's Dad Hell's Kittytrue- Killer Klown Orgy of the Damnedtrue- Doorman Top Movie Crew
O.C. Babes and the Slasher of ZombietowntrueWriting
O.C. Babes and the Slasher of ZombietowntrueDirecting
The Brides of SodomtrueWriting
The Brides of SodomtrueDirecting
Orgy of the DamnedtrueDirecting
Orgy of the DamnedtrueWriting
I Was a Teenage SuicidetrueDirecting
Ghost GogglestrueDirecting
Creep Creepersin's FrankensteintrueDirecting
Vaginal HolocausttrueDirecting
Theatre of the DerangedtrueDirecting
The Corporate Cutthroat MassacretrueDirecting
I Was a Teenage SuicidetrueWriting
Orgy of the DamnedtrueEditing
Orgy of the DamnedtrueSound