Wolf Frees
Wolf Frees
Top Movie Cast
Operation Crossbowtrue- German Police Inspector The Day They Robbed the Bank of Englandtrue- Dr. Hagen Der Anderetrue- Detective-Inspector Mike Ford Count Five and Dietrue- Brauner, shot spy The Steel Bayonettrue- German Divisional Commander The Guns of Navaronetrue- Radio Operator (uncredited) The Green Buddhatrue- Tony Scott The Man Who Knew Too Muchtrue- Aide to Prime Minister (uncredited) Doctor Zhivagotrue- Delegate The Heroes of Telemarktrue- Knippelberg Odettetrue- Major (uncredited) The Night of the Generalstrue- German Officer at Raymonde's Apartment (uncredited) Sea of Sandtrue- German Sergeant So Little Timetrue- German Doctor