Barry Kelley
Barry Kelley
Top Movie Cast
The Manchurian Candidatetrue- Secretary of Defense Elmer Gantrytrue- Police Captain Holt The Undercover Mantrue- Attorney Edward J. O'Rourke Jack the Giant Killertrue- Sigurd The Killer That Stalked New Yorktrue- Treasury Agent Johnson Women's Prisontrue- Warden Brock Too Late for Tearstrue- Lt. Breach Force of Eviltrue- Detective Egan The File on Thelma Jordontrue- District Attorney William Pierce The Welltrue- Sam Packard The Love Bugtrue- Police Sgt. Black Handtrue- Capt. Thompson New York Confidentialtrue- Robert Frawley 711 Ocean Drivetrue- Vince Walters Buchanan Rides Alonetrue- Lew Agry Accused of Murdertrue- Police Capt. Art Smedley The Long Waittrue- Tucker The Capturetrue- Earl C. Mahoney, Finance Co. V.P. Love That Brutetrue- Burly Lieutenant The Wings of Eaglestrue- Capt. Jock Clark The Asphalt Jungletrue- Lt. Ditrich Ice Palacetrue- Einer Wendt Flying Leatherneckstrue- Brigadier General Southside 1-1000true- Bill Evans Johnny Stool Pigeontrue- William McCandles Monkey on My Backtrue- Big Ralph Vice Squadtrue- Dwight Foreman South Sea Womantrue- Col. Hickman Wabash Avenuetrue- Bouncer The Tall Strangertrue- Hardy Bishop Singing Gunstrue- Mike Murphy Right Crosstrue- Allan Goff The Shanghai Storytrue- Ricki Dolmine Francis Goes to the Racestrue- Roy Square Deal Mallory Remains to Be Seentrue- Lt. O'Flair Secret of Deep Harbortrue- Milo Fowler How to Murder Your Wifetrue- Club Member Back at the Fronttrue- Brig. Gen. Dixon Police Dog Storytrue- Bert Dana Law and Ordertrue- Fin Elder Robin and the 7 Hoodstrue- Police Chief Oscar C. Brockton Rio Conchostrue- Croupier The Joker is Wildtrue- Captain Hugh McCarthy Mr. Belvedere Goes to Collegetrue- Police Sgt. Griggs Fighting Man of the Plainstrue- Slocum Woman of the North Countrytrue- O'Hara Gunfire at Indian Gaptrue- Sheriff Daniel Harris Champ for a Daytrue- Tom Healy Ma and Pa Kettletrue- Mr. Victor Tomkins Knock on Any Doortrue- Judge Drake The Extraordinary Seamantrue- Admiral Barnwell Red, Hot and Bluetrue- Lieutenant Gorham Profile Images
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