Ben Welden
Ben Welden
Top Movie Cast
Mannequintrue- Chris Dempson The Pretendertrue- Mickie Here Comes Elmertrue- Louis Burch The Lemon Drop Kidtrue- Singing Solly Outside the Three-Mile Limittrue- Lefty Shores Night Passagetrue- Pete (uncredited) Circumstantial Evidencetrue- Kenny All Through the Nighttrue- Smitty Smart Girls Don't Talktrue- Nelson Clark Appointment with Murdertrue- Martin Minecci Search for Dangertrue- Gregory The Saint in New Yorktrue- Boots 'Pappy' Papinoff A Close Call for Ellery Queentrue- Fisherman Dangerously They Livetrue- Eddie, Nazi Henchman The Last Crooked Miletrue- Haynes, a thug Kid Galahadtrue- Buzz Barett Confessiontrue- Defense Attorney Thunder Baytrue- Fisherman (uncredited) Maisie Gets Her Mantrue- Percy Podd Here Comes Troubletrue- Rankin (uncredited) Tenth Avenue Kidtrue- Marty Dayton Tough Assignmenttrue- Sniffy Lady at Midnighttrue- Willie Gold The Man from Chicagotrue- Ted Three Dark Horsestrue- Jim Digger Fighting Foolstrue- Lefty Conlin Love Is on the Airtrue- 'Nicey' Ferguson The Duke Comes Backtrue- Barney Missing Witnessestrue- Wagner I'll Wait for Youtrue- Dr. Anderson Heading for Heaventrue- Sam Sergeant Maddentrue- Stemmy Boys' Reformatorytrue- Mike Hearn Bullet Scarstrue- Pills Davis South of Pago Pagotrue- Grimes The Crooked Circletrue- Ring Announcer (uncredited) The Missing Corpsetrue- "Slippery Joe" Clary Federal Man-Hunttrue- Goldie Always Goodbyetrue- 1st New York Taxi Driver Happy Landingtrue- Rink Manager Prison Nursetrue- Gaffney Mystery Housetrue- Gerald Frawley The Black Abbottrue- Charlie Marsh Nine Lives Are Not Enoughtrue- Moxie Karper The Night Hawktrue- Otto Miller This Is the Lifetrue- Two Gun Mullins The Triumph of Sherlock Holmestrue- Ted Balding On the Isle of Samoatrue- Nick Leach Strange Alibitrue- Fido Durkin Back in Circulationtrue- Sam Sherman The Lone Wolf Spy Hunttrue- Jenks Smashing the Racketstrue- Whitey Clark Love and Hissestrue- Bugsy Hollywood Cavalcadetrue- Agent The Jackie Robinson Storytrue- Tough Lodge Member in Stands (uncredited) Adventures of Captain Africatrue- Omar Stand Up and Fighttrue- Foreman Rose of Washington Squaretrue- Toby The Roaring Twentiestrue- Tavern Proprietor (uncredited) Too Many Winnerstrue- Gil Madden / Theodore Ross My Dear Secretarytrue- Bookie (uncredited) Hollywood or Busttrue- Boss That Certain Womantrue- Headwaiter Harry Aqueilli (uncredited) Mary Ryan, Detectivetrue- Sammy The Pride of the Forcetrue- Tony Carlotti The Earl of Chicagotrue- Silky's Driver (uncredited) Alcatraz Islandtrue- Richard 'Red' Carroll Killer Dilltrue- Big Nick Moronie Secrets of the Undergroundtrue- Henchman Joe (uncredited) The Awful Sleuthtrue- Memphis Mike Midnight Manhunttrue- Hotel Manager (Uncredited) The Man Who Changed His Nametrue- Jerry Muller The Fire Raiserstrue- Bellini - Stedding's Henchman Gatewaytrue- Motorboat Man City for Conquesttrue- Cobb The Veils of Bagdadtrue- Stout Wrestler (uncredited) Mr. Hextrue- Bull Laguna (as Ben Weldon) At the Stroke of Twelvetrue- Babe Come Out of the Pantrytrue- The Tramp The Fighting Seabeestrue- Yump Lumkin Spook Chaserstrue- Henchman Ziggie The Desert Hawktrue- Mokar Killers from Spacetrue- Tar Baby 2 Pilot (bit) Impacttrue- Moving Van Helper Tales of Robin Hoodtrue- Friar Tuck Hidden Gunstrue- Ben Peabody 77 Park Lanetrue- Sinclair His Lordshiptrue- Washington Roosevelt Lincoln The Innocents of Chicagotrue- Spike Guinan Men of Boys Towntrue- Superintendent The Star Makertrue- Joe Gimlick Admirals Alltrue- Adolph Klotz Breakdowns of 1938true- Ben (archive footage) (uncredited) Buccaneer's Girltrue- Tom Straight, Place and Showtrue- Promoter Mr. District Attorneytrue- Monk Westman The Big Sleeptrue- Pete (uncredited) Tear Gas Squadtrue- Sully A Song Is Borntrue- Monte The Man I Lovetrue- Jack Atlas (uncredited) All Ashoretrue- Hugo - Bartender Shadows in the Nighttrue- Nick Kallus Jinx Moneytrue- Benny the Meatball Marked Womantrue- Charlie Delaney The Desert Hawktrue- Omar, the Beggar The Lady and the Bandittrue- Barkeep in Pub Sorrowful Jonestrue- Big Steve's Bodyguard Angel on My Shouldertrue- Shaggsy (uncredited) Little Miss Broadwaytrue- Cash Monahan It's in the Bag!true- Monty The Noose Hangs Hightrue- Stewart (uncredited) Tell It to the Judgetrue- Augie (uncredited) Rhubarbtrue- Oily Moe - Bookie (uncredited) The Great Barriertrue- Joe Passport to Alcatraztrue- Bender Stand by for Actiontrue- Chief Quartermaster Rankin My True Storytrue- Buzz Edwards The Mystery of the Mary Celestetrue- Boas 'Sailor' Hoffman The Misadventures of Buster Keatontrue- Sam (uncredited)