Budd Buster
Budd Buster
Top Movie Cast
The Cyclone Kidtrue- Sam Purvis Zorro's Fighting Legiontrue- Juan Apology for Murdertrue- Jed Code of the Rangerstrue- Mine Agent (as Bud Buster) Desert Justicetrue- Rod's Henchman The Reckless Buckarootrue- Pete - Henchman Wild Horse Round-Uptrue- Mopey West of Tombstonetrue- Wheeler (as Bud Buster) Shadow Valleytrue- Judd Grimes Riddle Ranchtrue- Henchman Antonio Old Louisianatrue- Kentuck (as Bud Buster) Gunsmoke Ranchtrue- Settler Paroled - To Dietrue- Henchman Spike Travers The Stranger from Arizonatrue- Abner Trickett The White Gorillatrue- Carter Gun Lords of Stirrup Basintrue- Sheriff (uncredited) Shadows of Deathtrue- Man Getting Beard Trimmed (uncredited) Feud of the Rangetrue- Sidekick Happy Frontier Scouttrue- Jones Roaring Six Gunstrue- 'Wildcat' Roper Whirlwind Horsemantrue- Cherokee Jake Frontier Fugitivestrue- Old Man Wilson (uncredited) The Vanishing Riderstrue- Hiram McDuff Sheriff of Redwood Valleytrue- Express Agent Crump The Riding Avengertrue- Jailbird Bud Blazing Justicetrue- Bob Peterson, Virginia's Father Cavalrytrue- Wagon Boss / President Lincoln The Gun Rangertrue- Carl Beeman Jungle Raiderstrue- Dr. Murray Reed The Trusted Outlawtrue- Adler The Law Commandstrue- Kentuck' Jones Battle of Greedtrue- Comstock The Gambling Terrortrue- Rancher Shorty Thunder in the Deserttrue- Deputy Oscar The Feud Makertrue- Cowlick Connors North of Arizonatrue- Grey Wolf Fighting Caballerotrue- Serenaded Barfly Roll Along, Cowboytrue- Cowhand Shorty Knight of the Plainstrue- Henchman Manuel Gangs of Sonoratrue- Jed Pickins Jungle Queentrue- Jungle Jack Wild Horse Phantomtrue- Ed Garnet Where the West Beginstrue- Sheriff Judson Romance of the Limberlosttrue- Fair Barker The Fighting Texantrue- Old-timer Song of the Sierrastrue- Rancher Matt Blake Terror of the Plainstrue- Townsman Western Frontiertrue- Ranch Hand The Luck of Roaring Camptrue- Single Tooth Dick Tracy's G-Mentrue- Cappy Exile Expresstrue- Station Agent The Phantom of 42nd Streettrue- Mike - Stage Doorman (uncredited) Songs and Bulletstrue- Zeke, the old-timer Custer's Last Standtrue- Maj. Ware Doomed at Sundowntrue- Sheriff Mandrake the Magiciantrue- Construction Camp Henchman Guns of the Lawtrue- Jed Wilkins Trigger Fingerstrue- Head of Cattlemen's Association Wyoming Outlawtrue- Bank Teller Straight Shootertrue- Sheriff Ed Long Mutiny on the Blackhawktrue- Settler Joe Daughter of the Tongtrue- 'Lefty' McMillan Headin' for the Rio Grandetrue- Senator Black - cattleman The Flying Serpenttrue- Head of Inquest Meet Dr. Christiantrue- City Council Member The Fighting Renegadetrue- Old Dobie Desert Patroltrue- Hezi Watts Drums of Destinytrue- Kentuck West of the Alamotrue- Shotgun Pinto Canyontrue- Henchman Bill Kellar (as Bud Buster) King of the Royal Mountedtrue- Vinegar Smith Drums of Fu Manchutrue- Dacoit 2 on Train Murder on the Yukontrue- Jim Smithers The Texas Marshaltrue- Banker Henderson Trail of Terrortrue- Monte The Texas Ramblertrue- Seth Higgins Thunder Over the Prairietrue- Judge Merriwether Six Gun Mantrue- Joe Turner Ambush Trailtrue- Miner Zeke Under Strange Flagstrue- Tequila Springtime in Texastrue- Jed Stevens Code of the Westtrue- Hotel Clerk Higgins (uncredited) Sierra Suetrue- Greg Travis The Shadowtrue- Beggar Giving Cranston Tip on Radio Shop I Take This Oathtrue- Jones Covered Wagon Trailstrue- Manny - Sidekick Wolves of the Rangetrue- Ben Foster Chip of the Flying Utrue- Rancher Marked Mentrue- Mr. Marvin - druggist The Lone Rider in Ghost Towntrue- Moosehide Dark Commandtrue- Townsman Battle Crytrue- Old Man (uncredited) Adventures of Red Rydertrue- Johnson - General Store Song of the Saddletrue- Clerk (uncredited) The Courageous Dr. Christiantrue- Jones Rocky Mountain Rangerstrue- Townsman The Old Chisholm Trailtrue- Rancher Hank Traffic in Crimetrue- Watchman Call of the South Seastrue- Kanahu The Shadow of Silk Lennoxtrue- Henchman Deacon Fedder Billy the Kid Outlawedtrue- Clem The Wild Frontiertrue- Sam Wheeler West of Pinto Basintrue- Farmer Jeff Billy The Kid's Fighting Palstrue- Mason Raiders of San Joaquintrue- Deputy Jailer (as Bud Buster) The Blocked Trailtrue- Deputy Bets McGee Bullets and Saddlestrue- Charley Craig Cowboy Commandostrue- William Werner Cheyenne Rounduptrue- Bonanza Smith Cattle Stampedetrue- Jensen The Lone Star Vigilantestrue- Colonel Sam Monroe Billy the Kid's Smoking Gunstrue- Rancher Billy the Kid Trappedtrue- Montana Boot Hill Banditstrue- Mayor Noah Smyth Tonto Basin Outlawstrue- Stage Driver Down Rio Grande Waytrue- Clem Kearney West of Cimarrontrue- Colonel Grant Morgan Westward Hotrue- Henchman Coffee Texas to Bataantrue- Tad Kelton Daredevils of the Westtrue- Indian Scout Hidden Valley Outlawstrue- Ned Murphy The Lone Rider in Frontier Furytrue- Loco Weed The Pinto Bandittrue- PT Heneberry Haunted Ranchtrue- Sheriff Brand of the Deviltrue- Henry Wilburn Outlaw Rounduptrue- Dude Merrill Frontier Outlawstrue- Clerk Border Badmentrue- Peter Evans Thundering Gun Slingerstrue- Sheriff Trigger Trailtrue- Tug Cattlet Outlaws of the Plainstrue- Tom Wilson Cheyenne Takes Overtrue- Lem Boswick (as Bud Buster) Gentlemen With Gunstrue- Sheriff Home on the Rangetrue- Sheriff The Westward Trailtrue- Benson Sky Rackettrue- Yard Worker with Truck Valley of Feartrue- Bootmaker (as Bud L. Buster) Heart of the Rio Grandetrue- Ranch Car Driver Call of the Canyontrue- Jim Taylor (uncredited) Deep in the Heart of Texastrue- Jail Sentry Jesse James at Baytrue- Homesteader Sunset Serenadetrue- Martin Cowhand Thunder River Feudtrue- Sheriff Rock River Renegadestrue- Judge Arizona Boundtrue- Old-Timer Billy the Kid Wantedtrue- Storekeeper Sheriff of Sage Valleytrue- Tim Pine Outlaws of Boulder Passtrue- Rancher Fugitive of the Plainstrue- Deputy The Law Rides Againtrue- Commissioner's Aide Blazing Frontiertrue- Luke Newton Riders of the Rio Grandetrue- Jed - Bank Teller Boss of Rawhidetrue- Townsman Calling Wild Bill Elliotttrue- Militiaman Emergency Landingtrue- 'Pappy' Clayton The Mummy's Cursetrue- Cajun standing at bar, smoking pipe (uncredited) Rainbow Over the Rockiestrue- Frank Porter Wolf Riderstrue- Renegade (uncredited) Texas Jacktrue- Chief Kickapoo (as Bud Buster) Badman's Territorytrue- Doc's Friend (uncredited) Frozen on Love's Trailtrue Overland Stagecoachtrue- Henchman Pete Terrors on Horsebacktrue- Sherriff Jed Bartlett Stagecoach to Denvertrue- Joe