Donald G. Jackson
Donald G. Jackson
Top Movie Cast
Demon Lover Diarytrue- Self Armageddon Boulevardtrue- Gas Station Attendant Super Hero Centraltrue- Donaldo X Hollywood Copstrue- The Commander Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The Unseentrue- Himself Rock n' Roll Cops Litetrue- The Commander Rollergatortrue- Rollergator (voice) Guns of El Chupacabra 3: The Lost Interviewstrue Ghost of El Chupacabratrue A Drive with Linnea and Donaldtrue- Himself The Adventures of Ace X and Kid Velvettrue- One Shot Sam / Donaldo X The Roller Blade Seventrue- Reverend Donaldo Legend of The Roller Blade Seventrue- Father Donaldo Yin Yang Insanetrue- Gas Station Attendant (uncredited) Raw Energytrue- Reverend Bloodweiser Little Lost Sea Serpenttrue- Man on Beach Top Movie Crew
Hell Comes to FrogtowntrueDirecting
Hell Comes to FrogtowntrueProduction
Roller BladetrueDirecting
Kill Kill OverkilltrueDirecting
Kill Kill OverkilltrueProduction
Kill Kill OverkilltrueWriting
Armageddon BoulevardtrueDirecting
Armageddon BoulevardtrueWriting
Armageddon BoulevardtrueProduction
Super Hero CentraltrueProduction
Queen of Lost IslandtrueDirecting
Queen of Lost IslandtrueProduction
Big Sister 2000trueDirecting
Big Sister 2000trueWriting
Big Sister 2000trueProduction
Big Sister 2000trueProduction
Big Sister 2000trueCamera
Hollywood CopstrueWriting
Hollywood CopstrueProduction
Guns of El ChupacabratrueDirecting
Guns of El ChupacabratrueWriting
Guns of El ChupacabratrueProduction
Guns of El ChupacabratrueCamera
Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The UnseentrueDirecting
Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The UnseentrueWriting
Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The UnseentrueProduction
Guns of El Chupacabra 2: The UnseentrueCamera
I Like To Hurt PeopletrueDirecting
Roller Blade Warriors: Taken by ForcetrueDirecting
The Roller Blade SeventrueDirecting
Toad WarriortrueDirecting
Max Hell Frog WarriortrueDirecting
Max Hell Frog WarriortrueWriting
It's ShowtimetrueProduction
The Demon LovertrueDirecting
Legend of The Roller Blade SeventrueDirecting
Legend of The Roller Blade SeventrueWriting
The Rock 'n Roll CopstrueWriting
Hell Comes to FrogtowntrueWriting
Hell Comes to FrogtowntrueCamera
Return of the Roller Blade SeventrueCamera
Return of the Roller Blade SeventrueCamera
Legend of The Roller Blade SeventrueCamera
Debbie Does DamnationtrueProduction
Yin Yang InsanetrueDirecting
Return of the Roller Blade SeventrueDirecting
Return of the Roller Blade SeventrueWriting
The Roller Blade SeventrueCamera
The Roller Blade SeventrueCamera
I Like To Hurt PeopletrueEditing
I Like To Hurt PeopletrueProduction
I Like To Hurt PeopletrueCamera
The Demon LovertrueWriting
The Demon LovertrueProduction
Return of the Roller Blade SeventrueProduction
The Devil's PettrueDirecting
The Devil's PettrueWriting
Shotgun BoulevardtrueDirecting
Guns of El Chupacabra 3: The Lost InterviewstrueDirecting
Blade SisterstrueDirecting
Tammy Faye StarlitetrueDirecting
Hawk Warrior of the WheelzonetrueDirecting
Ghost of El ChupacabratrueDirecting
Witch's BrewtrueDirecting
Witch's BrewtrueProduction
Hawk Warrior of the WheelzonetrueWriting
Hawk Warrior of the WheelzonetrueProduction
Guns of El Chupacabra 3: The Lost InterviewstrueProduction
Guns of El Chupacabra 3: The Lost InterviewstrueCrew
Ghost of El ChupacabratrueWriting
Ghost of El ChupacabratrueProduction
Shotgun BoulevardtrueWriting
Shotgun BoulevardtrueProduction
Tammy Faye StarlitetrueProduction
The Devil's PettrueProduction
Ride with the DeviltrueDirecting
Ride with the DeviltrueWriting
Ride with the DeviltrueProduction
Lingerie KickboxertrueDirecting
Roller Blade Warriors: Taken by ForcetrueWriting
Naked AvengertrueProduction
Naked AvengertrueDirecting
Little Lost Sea SerpenttrueDirecting
The Roller Blade SeventrueWriting
The Roller Blade SeventrueProduction
Legend of The Roller Blade SeventrueProduction
It's ShowtimetrueDirecting
Yin Yang InsanetrueWriting
Yin Yang InsanetrueProduction
Class of Nuke 'Em High 2: Subhumanoid MeltdowntrueCamera
UFO: Secret VideotrueDirecting
UFO: Secret VideotrueWriting
UFO: Secret VideotrueProduction
UFO: Secret VideotrueCrew
UFO: Secret VideotrueEditing
Little Lost Sea SerpenttrueProduction
Pocket NinjastrueDirecting