Horace Murphy
Horace Murphy
Top Movie Cast
Stars Over Arizonatrue- Smokey Arizona Daystrue- Sheriff Brown Everyman's Lawtrue- Sheriff Chris Bradley Song of the Buckarootrue- Cashaway Bad Man of Deadwoodtrue- Seth Belden Rollin' Plainstrue- Ananias Sing Cowboy Singtrue- Marshal Tinker The Mystery of the Hooded Horsementrue- Stubby Paroled - To Dietrue- Lucky Gosden Tex Rides with the Boy Scoutstrue- Stubby The Stranger from Arizonatrue- Sheriff The Crooked Trailtrue- Carter Trouble in Texastrue- Lucky The Fugitive Sherifftrue- Lawyer Simpson (uncredited) The Range Busterstrue- Homer Thorp Arizona Boundtrue- Bunion Gun Grittrue- Rancher Sully Riders of the Rockiestrue- Doc Thornton Last of the Warrenstrue- Grizzly The Gun Rangertrue- Ranch cook Riders of the Dawntrue- Sheriff Beasley The Girl Said Notrue- Joe Lawless Landtrue- Storekeeper Lafe Spooner Come on, Cowboystrue- Judge Blake Border Phantomtrue- Sheriff Boothill Brigadetrue- Calico Haynes Where the Buffalo Roamtrue- Ananias The Gambling Terrortrue- Missouri Bill, Printer's Devil Thunder in the Deserttrue- Sheriff Billy The Kid Returnstrue- Mr. Miller - Homesteader Flaming Frontierstrue- Sheriff Boom Towntrue- Tom Murphy Anything for a Thrilltrue- Boss Kelley Frontier Towntrue- Stubby Smashing the Racketstrue- Doorman Crashing Thrutrue- Boat Passenger Saga of Death Valleytrue- Agent Pete Doomed at Sundowntrue- Drunk The Oregon Trailtrue- Irate Agitaiting Townsman The Oklahoma Kidtrue- Bartender (uncredited) The Flying Irishmantrue- Drunk at New York Airport The Night Riderstrue- Riverboat Captain Asa Beckett Union Pacifictrue- Irishman (uncredited) Down the Wyoming Trailtrue- Sheriff Missouri Days of Jesse Jamestrue- Post Office Clerk (uncredited) Fighting Madtrue- Chess Player Rollin' Westwardtrue- Missouri Sundown on the Prairietrue- Ananias Timber Wartrue- John, a logger Springtime in Texastrue- Mayor Lem Grainger Scarlet Streettrue- Milkman (uncredited) Fallen Angeltrue- Sheriff (uncredited) Paradise Expresstrue- Farmer Jones (uncredited) Legion of the Lawlesstrue- Peddler Driving Wagon (uncredited) Undercover Mantrue- Sheriff Durango Valley Raiderstrue- Matt Tanner Colorado Kidtrue- Colonel Gifford Oklahoma Frontiertrue- Mushy The Mine with the Iron Doortrue- Garage Man Desperate Trailstrue- Stage Driver Nebraska The Kid Rangertrue- Barfly Song of the Trailtrue- Sheriff Melody Ranchtrue- Loco - Cowboy Radio Actor Wide Open Facestrue- Schultz, Grocer Cowboys from Texastrue- Constable Dan Traffic in Crimetrue- Joe - Night Watchman The Girl on the Front Pagetrue- Cop Ghost Valley Raiderstrue- Mob Ringleader Song of Old Wyomingtrue- Editor Timothy Meeks Starlight Over Texastrue- Ananias Song of Texastrue- Notary Honky Tonktrue- Jim - Candy's Butler A Lady Takes a Chancetrue- Poker Player Lightnin' Crandalltrue- J. Travis Too Much Beeftrue- Sheriff Lonesome Trailtrue- Judge Melford The Red Ropetrue- Horner - Storekeeper Crack-Uptrue- Train Conductor (Uncredited) The Frame-Uptrue- Dr. Phillips Profile Images
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