Syd Saylor
Syd Saylor
Top Movie Cast
Arizona Daystrue- Claude Grass Hopper The Cowboy and the Ladytrue- Cowboy at Ranch (uncredited) Hitchhike to Happinesstrue- Man on Street (uncredited) Woman on the Runtrue- Sullivan Silent Mentrue- Coyote Carter (as Sid Saylor) Curtain at Eighttrue- Mac MacIntosh, the prop man Abe Lincoln in Illinoistrue- John Johnston Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Mantrue- Waiter (uncredited) Red Hot Leathertrue- 'Noisy' Bates (as Leo Sailor) Borrowed Herotrue- Pedestrian with Sore Throat (uncredited) When a Man Sees Redtrue- Ben The Dude Rangertrue- 'Nebraska' Kemp (as Sid Saylor) Born to the Westtrue- Dinkey Hooley Miss Pollytrue- Drug Store Owner The House of Secretstrue- Ed A Yank at Oxfordtrue- Second Printer (uncredited) Life with Henrytrue- Electrician (uncredited) Persons in Hidingtrue- Gas Station Attendant (uncredited) The Ex-Mrs. Bradfordtrue- Detective (uncredited) Shanghai Rosetrue- Xavier Doolittle Nevadatrue- Cash Burridge The Lost Jungletrue- Larry Henderson If I Had a Milliontrue- Driver (uncredited) The Runaway Expresstrue- The Tramp Jesse James vs. the Daltonstrue Branded a Cowardtrue- Oscar Code of the Mountedtrue- RCMP Rogers Ladies Crave Excitementtrue- Flynn Prison Shadowstrue- Dave Moran Cat, Dog & Co.true- Pedestrian The Wrong Roadtrue- Big Hobo The Vice Squadtrue- Masher's Freind (uncredited) The Lawyer's Secrettrue- Red Guns in the Darktrue- Oscar The Crusadertrue- Harry Smaltz Forlorn Rivertrue- 'Weary' Pierce Meet the Boy Friendtrue- Buddy Wallaby Jim of the Islandstrue- Jake, Kestrel Crew Thunder Towntrue- Utah McGirk Little Miss Broadwaytrue- Band Member Just Off Broadwaytrue- Bennie Barnett Finn and Hattietrue- J. Russell Abercrombie, The Brakeman Crashing Through Dangertrue- Tom The Black Dolltrue- Deputy Red A Man of Sentimenttrue- Swede - Orderly Mystery Mountaintrue- Breezy Baker The Tall Texantrue- Carney Show Girl in Hollywoodtrue- Tour Guide The Sky Paradetrue- Flash Lewis Contented Calvestrue- No Run Hosiery Representative Kelly of the Secret Servicetrue- Red A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queentrue- Fingers Muldoon Sidewalks of New Yorktrue- Mulvaney The Fuller Brush Girltrue- Wardrobe Man (uncredited) Period of Adjustmenttrue- Bald Man (uncredited) The Raging Tidetrue- Proprietor (uncredited) Men of Actiontrue- Speedy Sleep, My Lovetrue- Milkman There Goes My Hearttrue- Robinson (as Sid Saylor) The Border Legiontrue- Shrimp Scandal Sheettrue- Nichols, Photographer Men with Wingstrue- Jimmy Stand Up and Fighttrue- Gambling Stooge Let Freedom Ringtrue- Surveyor (uncredited) Union Pacifictrue- Barker (uncredited) Thunder Afloattrue- Wireless Operator Sending Coded Message (uncredited) Golden Boytrue- Ringsider Next to Pa Bonaparte The Lady Escapestrue- Carpenter (uncredited) Sitting Prettytrue- Cab Driver (uncredited) Chicken Wagon Familytrue- Cab Driver Headin' for the Rio Grandetrue- Chili (Tex's sidekick) Remember?true- First Taxi Driver $1,000 a Touchdowntrue- Bangs Six Gun Mantrue- Rawhide McTavish Chiselers of Hollywoodtrue Murder in the Fleettrue- Chief Petty Officer (Uncredited) Lucky Cisco Kidtrue- Hotel Clerk (uncredited) Gun Duel In Durangotrue- Man Killed by Dunsten (uncredited) Ambush Trailtrue- Sam Hawkins The Man in the Trunktrue- Joe -Clown with Yvonne Scarlet Streettrue- Tom Crocker, Evening Globe (uncredited) The Kid From Texastrue- Texas Cowhand Gaslighttrue- Baggage Clerk (uncredited) One Wild Nighttrue- Mug in Bank (uncredited) I Take This Womantrue- First Taxi Driver (uncredited) Time Out for Romancetrue- Truck Driver Horse Featherstrue- Speakeasy Patron at Slot Machine (uncredited) Kelly the Secondtrue- Dan Abbott and Costello Go to Marstrue- Man at Fountain (uncredited) The Three Mesquiteerstrue- Lullaby Joslin Rule 'Em and Weeptrue- Second duelling officer Two Hearts in Wax Timetrue- Mannequin Dresser (uncredited) The Las Vegas Storytrue- Matty (uncredited) The Return of Gentleman Jimtrue- Frank Gentleman Jimtrue- Hansom Cab Driver (uncredited) The Greatest Show on Earthtrue- Circus Barker (uncredited) Gambling Shiptrue- Sailor (uncredited) The Spirit of St. Louistrue- Photographer (uncredited) Dr. Kildare's Crisistrue- Hospital Elevator Operator Irenetrue- The Gardener (uncredited) Dangerous Blondestrue- Attendant (uncredited) Young Peopletrue- Vaudevillian House of Horrorstrue- Jerry, morgue attendant Toppertrue- Car Salesman (uncredited) Rhythm on the Rangetrue- Gus Tangled Destiniestrue- Buchanan, the Prizefighter Hitch Hike To Heaventrue- Spud Our Leading Citizentrue- Sam Hurricane at Pilgrim Hilltrue- Sheriff Luke Arundle Mule Traintrue- Deputy Skeeter Wyoming Wildcattrue- Butch McCord The Chieftrue- Scared Man Against Lamppost Nevada Citytrue- Railroad Spy Posing as a Drunk The Great Gildersleevetrue- Phil, the carpenter A Lady Takes a Chancetrue- Poker Player Escort Westtrue- Elwood Fenniman Great Day in the Morningtrue- Stagecoach Driver (uncredited) Fall Intrue- Cigar Store Owner I Take This Womantrue- Shorty Million Dollar Legstrue- Olympics Weight Lifting Offical (uncredited) Design for Scandaltrue- Second Cabbie (uncredited) Harvest Melodytrue- Spot Potter A Gentleman at Hearttrue- Lighthouse That Other Womantrue- Man Trying to Sleep in Park Time to Killtrue- Mailman Miss Mink of 1949true- Louie Action in the North Atlantictrue- Jim (uncredited) And George Did!true- George Safety in Numberstrue- Guard Down on the Farmtrue- Painter So's Your Uncletrue- Meek Character Fun on a Weekendtrue- Mr. Prigee (Uncredited) The Miracle of the Bellstrue- Freddy Evans, the Pianist Murder, He Saystrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Sin of Nora Morantrue- Miller - Jake's Friend - 2nd Drunk Backlashtrue- Joe, Railroad Worker Dancing in the Darktrue- Mac Walk Softly, Strangertrue- Poker Player (uncredited) Her Favorite Patienttrue- Elmer Jones (uncredited) She Had to Eattrue- Shorty (uncredited) On Stage Everybodytrue- Clem - Horseshoe Player (uncredited) Murders in the Zootrue- Brad (Uncredited) Streamline Expresstrue- Smith - Steward Sleepers Westtrue- Magazine Vendor (uncredited) Wild and Woollytrue- Lutz Many Happy Returnstrue- Construction Worker (uncredited) The Crawling Handtrue- Soda Shop Owner Men Without Lawtrue- Hank Swing Shift Maisietrue- Clerk (Uncredited) The Lost Jungletrue- Larry Henderson The Headline Womantrue- Murphy Hey, Rookietrue- Cpl. Trupp Law of the Seatrue- Sailor Lady in a Jamtrue- Drunk (uncredited) Profile Images
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