Tommy Kenter
Tommy Kenter
Top Movie Cast
The Loved Onestrue- Carsten Zirkus Nemo 2022 - Ud i universettrue Walter and Carlo - Up on Daddy's Hattrue- Russisk Diamanthæler The Goldcabbage Familytrue- Tjener i værtshus The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Beartrue- Raven (voice) How to Get Rid of the Otherstrue- Ole War of the Birdstrue- The Owl (voice) The Apple & The Wormtrue- Ormedoktor (voice) Circleen - Mice & Romancetrue- The Earth Rat P Anja & Viktor - Flaming Lovetrue- Larsen Dance of the Polar Bearstrue- Lasses far Next Door Spytrue- (voice) Dreaming of Paradisetrue- Bluenose (voice) Marie Kroyertrue- Lachmann Assassinationtrue- Kriminalassistent Komedie i grænselandettrue- Helmuth The Three Musketeerstrue- Rochefort Otto the Rhinotrue- Politimesteren Kniven i hjertettrue- Postal Worker Krummerne - alt på spiltrue The Olsen Gang Jumps the Fencetrue- Worker at Conveyer Belt Murder in the Darktrue- Ole Kok Anja og Viktor - I medgang og modgangtrue- Larsen Bob Bob Trouble Boytrue- Politimester Quist Once There Was a Wartrue- Schoolboy Stepping Outtrue- Bilsælger Framing Momtrue- Klaus Dreyer Kingmakertrue- Otto Brathenberg Song of the Seatrue- (voice) Livet i nødsporet - The Movietrue- Himself Undskyld vi er hertrue- Viggo Circleen, Coco and the Wild Rhinocerostrue- Arnold A Fortunate Mantrue- Philip Salomon Hunting Seasontrue- Landowner The Olsen Gang's Last Tricktrue- Kjeld Jensen (uncredited) I Wonder Who's Kissing You Nowtrue- Sam Sé, hvilken klovntrue- Elias A Caretaker's Taletrue- Gregers Profile Images
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