Steven Fung Min-Hang
Steven Fung Min-Hang
Top Movie Cast
Shaolin Soccertrue- Team Gangster Leader Ready O/R Knottrue- Jenny's Father King of Comedytrue- Pui's First Boyfriend Ready O/R Rottrue- Jenny's Father Journey to the West: Conquering the Demonstrue- Taoist Priest Hotel Soul Goodtrue- Father Lucky Star 2015true- Shop Manager Kung Fu Hustletrue- Four Eye Clerk All's Well, Ends Welltrue- Snake All's Well, Ends Well 2009true- Interviewee Mr. & Mrs. Incredibletrue Agent Mr. Chantrue- Dr. Fung House of Wolvestrue- Steve's Lawyer Mr. & Mrs. Incredibletrue- Soldier All U Need Is Lovetrue- Security Assistant of Grande Hotel Possession Streettrue- Mr. Wong Dragon Loaded 2003true- Police Recruitment Officer Top Movie Crew
Marry a Rich MantrueWriting
All's Well, Ends Well 2009trueWriting
Mr. & Mrs. IncredibletrueWriting
King of ComedytrueWriting
Shaolin SoccertrueWriting
Keep Calm and Be a SuperstartrueWriting
House of WolvestrueWriting