Spottiswoode Aitken
Spottiswoode Aitken
Top Movie Cast
The Birth of a Nationtrue- Dr. Cameron Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Agestrue- Brown Eyes' Father (French Story) Beyondtrue- Rufus Southerne Six Daystrue- Pere Jerome The Avenging Consciencetrue- The Uncle I Am Not a Racisttrue- the father Who Cares?true- Mr. Ludlow The Angel of Contentiontrue- Nettie's Father Manslaughtertrue- Member of the Jury (uncredited) The Wicked Darlingtrue- Fadem The Secret Gardentrue- Archibald Craven The Battletrue- (uncredited) Evangelinetrue- Benedict Bellefontaine Monte Cristotrue- Abbé Faria The Americanotrue- Presidente de Castalar Captain Kidd, Jr.true- Augus MacTavish How Could You, Jean?true- Rufus Bonner The Fire Patroltrue- Captain John Ferguson The Flying Torpedotrue- Bartholomew Thompson The Coast Patroltrue- Capt. Slocum Rough-Riding Romancetrue- The King The Eagletrue- Dubrovsky's Father (uncredited) Those Who Daretrue- Thorne Wtherell An Innocent Magdalenetrue- Col. Raleigh The Young Rajahtrue- Caleb Fixing a Flirttrue- Headwaiter The Power of the Presstrue- Sports Writer Souls Triumphanttrue- Josiah Vale A Woman's Awakeningtrue- Judge Cotter Cheerful Giverstrue- Rev. John Deady Home, Sweet Hometrue- James Smith - Mary's Father Merry-Go-Roundtrue- Minister of War / Gisella's Father Her Kingdom of Dreamstrue- David Rutledge Nomads of the Northtrue- Old Roland Beauty and the Roguetrue- Benjamin Wilson Pioneer's Goldtrue- Bob Hartley (as Spottswood Aitken) At the End of the Worldtrue- Terence O'Day The Two-Gun Mantrue- Dad Randall The White Circletrue- Bernard Huddlestone The Thunderbolttrue- Allan Pomeroy Her Country's Calltrue- Dr. Downie The White Heathertrue- James Hume The Man of Couragetrue- Stephen Gregory Fighting Throughtrue- Col. DuBrey Carter Profile Images
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