Steven C. Smith
Steven C. Smith
Top Movie Cast
Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Musictrue- Self Bernard Herrmann: Hitchcock's Maestrotrue- Self Pioniere der Filmmusik - Europas Sound für Hollywoodtrue- Self - Interviewee 'The Trouble with Harry' Isn't Overtrue- Self The Trouble with 'Marnie'true- Self Top Movie Crew
Sex at 24 Frames Per SecondtrueWriting
Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of SupermantrueWriting
Batman Unmasked: The Psychology of The Dark KnighttrueDirecting
Batman Unmasked: The Psychology of The Dark KnighttrueWriting
DC Spotlight: Shazam!trueWriting
Cleopatra: The Film That Changed HollywoodtrueProduction
Discord and Harmony: Creating a Late QuartettrueProduction
Gene Tierney: A Shattered PortraittrueDirecting
Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code HollywoodtrueWriting
Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code HollywoodtrueProduction
Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie MusictrueCrew
Freeing “Trapped”trueDirecting
Freeing “Trapped”trueWriting
The Sound of a City: Julie Andrews Returns to SalzburgtrueWriting
The Sound of a City: Julie Andrews Returns to SalzburgtrueProduction
The Science of SupermantrueWriting
Fallen Kingdom: The ConversationtrueProduction
Silent Laughter: The Reel Inspirations of 'Silent Movie'trueProduction
Hitchcock and Mel: Spoofing the Master of SuspensetrueProduction
Making History: Mel Brooks on Creating the WorldtrueProduction
Directing Dolly: Gene Kelly RememberedtrueProduction
Sex at 24 Frames Per SecondtrueDirecting
True Love: The Princess Bride PhenomenontrueDirecting
True Love: The Princess Bride PhenomenontrueProduction
Musical Mel: Inventing The InquisitiontrueProduction
Eagle-Lion: A Noir-Stained LegacytrueProduction
Eagle-Lion: A Noir-Stained LegacytrueEditing
Eagle-Lion: A Noir-Stained LegacytrueCamera
Eagle-Lion: A Noir-Stained LegacytrueSound
Halloween: A Cut Above the ResttrueWriting
Star Wars TechtrueWriting
Spider-Man TechtrueWriting
Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars TrilogytrueProduction