Connie Gilchrist
Connie Gilchrist
Top Movie Cast
It Should Happen to Youtrue- Mrs. Riker Long John Silvertrue- Purity Pinker The Killer That Stalked New Yorktrue- Belle - the Landlady Nothing But Troubletrue- Mrs. Flannigan Act of Violencetrue- Martha A Woman's Facetrue- Christina Dalvik Machine-Gun Kellytrue- 'Ma' Becker Little Womentrue- Mrs. Kirke Auntie Mametrue- Norah Muldoon A Letter to Three Wivestrue- Mrs. Ruby Finney Some Came Runningtrue- Jane Barclay The Misadventures of Merlin Jonestrue- Mrs. Gossett Grand Central Murdertrue- Pearl Delroy Two on a Guillotinetrue- Ramona Ryerdon The Far Countrytrue- Hominy Undercover Girltrue- Capt. Sadie Parker The Story of Molly Xtrue- Dawn Thunder on the Hilltrue- Sister Josephine Flesh and Furytrue- Mrs. Richardson Swing Shift Maisietrue- Maw Lustvogel Tortilla Flattrue- Mrs. Torrelli This Time for Keepstrue- Miss Nichols Sunday Punchtrue- Ma Galestrum One Big Affairtrue- Miss Marple Stars in My Crowntrue- Sarah Isbell Tenth Avenue Angeltrue- Mrs. Murphy The Wild Man of Borneotrue- Mrs. Evelyn Diamond Johnny Eagertrue- Peg Fowler Young Widowtrue- Aunt Cissie Chicken Every Sundaytrue- Millie Moon We Were Dancingtrue- Olive Ransome Rationingtrue- Mrs. Porter The Internstrue- Connie Dean A House Is Not a Hometrue- Hattie Miller The Hucksterstrue- Betty - Switchboard Operator Married Bachelortrue- Mother on Train (uncredited) Song of the Thin Mantrue- Bertha A Really Important Persontrue- Mrs. Reilly Apache Trailtrue- Señora Martinez Faithful in My Fashiontrue- Mrs. Murphy Billy the Kidtrue- Mildred (uncredited) H.M. Pulham, Esq.true- Tillie, Elevator Operator (uncredited) The Bride Goes Wildtrue- Nurse Tooker (uncredited) The War Against Mrs. Hadleytrue- Cook Presenting Lily Marstrue- Frankie Peggytrue- Miss Zim, the Nurse A Tiger Walkstrue- Liddy Lewis Bad Bascombtrue- Annie Freemont The Great Diamond Robberytrue- Blonde Here Comes the Groomtrue- "Ma" Jones Hullabalootrue- Arline Merriweather Dr. Kildare's Wedding Daytrue- Jennie the Maid A Ticket to Tomahawktrue- Madame Adelaide Patrolling the Ethertrue- Phillip's Mother The Half-Breedtrue- Ma Higgins Buccaneer's Girltrue- Vegetable Seller Sylviatrue- Molly Banter (uncredited) Music for Millionstrue- Travelers Aid Woman Swingin' Alongtrue- Aunt Sophie Up Goes Maisietrue- Cleaning Lady (Uncredited) Chain of Circumstancetrue- Mrs. Mullins Profile Images
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