Eduard Fernández
Eduard Fernández
Top Movie Cast
God's Crooked Linestrue- Samuel Alvar Before the Falltrue- Lucio Captain Alatriste: The Spanish Musketeertrue- Sebastián Copons Sound of the Seatrue- Sierra The Skin I Live Intrue- Fulgencio The Mosquito Nettrue- Miguel Amores locostrue- Enrique Ants in the Mouthtrue- Martín Cosas que hacen que la vida valga la penatrue- Jorge The Shanghai Spelltrue- Forcat Washington Wolvestrue- Miguel (as Eduardo Fernández) Winning Streaktrue- La Bestia Orange Honeytrue- Vicente Tres dies amb la famíliatrue- Josep Maria His Master's Voicetrue- Charli A Gun in Each Handtrue- E. The Galíndez Filetrue- Galíndez Todas las mujerestrue- Nacho Marco: The Invented Truthtrue- Enric Marco Dying Beyond Their Meanstrue- Presentador Telediario Far from the Seatrue- Santi Smoke & Mirrorstrue- Francisco Paesa Sao Felix Do Araguaiatrue The Goalkeepertrue- Nardo The Night My Mother Killed My Fathertrue- Ángel Sara's Runawaytrue- Padre 1898: Our Last Men in the Philippinestrue- Cpt. Enrique de las Morenas Smoking Roomtrue- Ramírez Perfect Strangerstrue- Alfonso Like Shooting Starstrue- Emilio Everybody Knowstrue- Fernando Crimes Against Humanitytrue- (voice) While at Wartrue- Millán-Astray Sexo en el platótrue- Himself La princesa de Ébolitrue- Felipe II Souvenirtrue- Martí Marcos Che: Part Twotrue- Ciro Algarañaz A Thief's Daughtertrue- Manuel Barefoot on Red Soiltrue- Pere Casaldàliga Mediterraneo: The Law of the Seatrue- Oscar Camps El oficio de actortrue- Itself Profile Images
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