Yevgeni Gerasimov
Yevgeni Gerasimov
Top Movie Cast
Born by the Stormtrue- Raymond Don't Believe the Cry of a Night Birdtrue- Anatoliy Mustyatse Guest from the Futuretrue- Werther, biorobot Could One Imagine?true- Volodya, Katya's stepfather The Romanovs: A Crowned Familytrue Человек, которого я люблюtrue- Rodka Night of the Long Knivestrue The Order: Do Not Open Firetrue- Nightingale, sergeant The Order: Cross the Bordertrue- Nightingale senior, white emigrant Semenovts Ogaryova Street, Number 6true- Валя Росляков Five Minutes of Feartrue- Семен Бугаев (майор милиции) Point, Point, Comma...true A Trip to Wiesbadentrue- Донгоф Such a Tough Game As Hockeytrue Richard the Lionhearttrue The Wizard of the Emerald Citytrue- Iron Lumberjack Prometheustrue- Young man (voice) Perseustrue- Perseus (voice) Free Admittancetrue- Yuriy Styepanovich Accused of Murdertrue- Shchetinin Morning Without Markstrue- Gleb's father The Barman from 'Golden Anchor'true- Николай Зверев The Fortresstrue- лейтенант Филиппов Responsible for Everythingtrue My Destinytrue- Михаил Ермаков The Secret Agent's Returntrue- Kuznetsov The Secret Agent’s Endtrue- Kuznetsov The Night of The Yellow Bulltrue Они не пройдутtrue- Sanka Rymaryov in childhood Petrovka Street, Number 38true- Валя Росляков Top Movie Crew
Fun of the YoungtrueDirecting
Very Important PersontrueDirecting
Do Not Marry, GirlstrueDirecting
Richard the LionhearttrueDirecting
Streak of LucktrueDirecting
A Trip to WiesbadentrueDirecting
Rytsar KennettrueDirecting
One That's Not ExpectedtrueDirecting