Vyacheslav Nevinnyy
Vyacheslav Nevinnyy
Top Movie Cast
Thirty-threetrue- Vasiliy Lyubashkin Hedgehog in the Fogtrue- Bear (voice) It Can't Be!true- Anna's Brother День за днемtrue- Виктор Баныкин The Greedy Rich Mantrue- (voice) How the Old Man Sold the Cowtrue- Narrator (voice) Promised Heaventrue- Antisemit Лоскутик и облакоtrue- (voice) How Longing Was Defeatedtrue- sorceress Longing Green (voice) My Dearly Beloved Detectivetrue- Thomas Bull, Esq. Investigation Held by Kolobki. The First Investigationtrue- Bulochkin (voice) Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the centurytrue- Bulochkin (voice) The Old New Yeartrue- Пётр Себейкин Beware of the Car!true- автослесарь Guest from the Futuretrue- Vesel'chak U, kosmicheskiy pirat Incognito from St.Petersburgtrue- Zemlyanika Luxury Suite for the General with the Girltrue Do Not Leave...true- King The Garagetrue- Карпухин, научный сотрудник It Happened at the Police Stationtrue The Only Onetrue- Zhurchenko Adventures of Vasia Kurolesovtrue- Sergeant Tarakanov / old railroad (voice) The Career of Arturo Uitrue Very Important Persontrue- Nedugov The Chairmantrue- Pavel Markushev The Purple Balltrue- Громозека Ruslan and Ludmilatrue- Farlaf Funny People!true- Вася, гимназистский приятель Virineatrue- Павел Суслов (беглый солдат-большевик) The Cabal of Hypocritestrue Humpty Dumptytrue- (voice) Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурикаtrue The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitantstrue- Иван Иванович Мизинчиков Заседание парткомаtrue- Олег Качнов (бригадир) Alice in Wonderlandtrue- White Rabbit (voice) Трое на шоссеtrue- Сергей Пушкарёв Dead Soulstrue- Sobakevich Nekhochukhatrue- Nekhochukha the Great (voice) / Великий Нехочуха The Wizard of the Emerald Citytrue- Scarecrow The Films of Yuri Norsteintrue- Bear (voice) The Cagetrue- Hamster (voice) Still Love, Still Hopetrue- Boris Zakharov The Green Flametrue- Vikharev Autumn Shipstrue- The Wolf (voice) Ау-у! (Киноальманах)true- писатель Сеня («И подъехали к избе сваты… Или похождения писателя Сени в поисках слова затаённого») I'm Sorry If You Can...true A Tale of Lost Timetrue- злой волшебник Михаил Михайлович And There Was Evening, And There Was Morningtrue The Russian Fieldtrue- Fedchenkov The Suicidetrue- торговец Пугачев Kitten from Lizyukova Streettrue- Kitten Vasily / Hippo (voice) Frost Ivanovichtrue- (voice) Rabbit and Flytrue- The Fly (voice) Sherlock Holmes and Itrue- Black Fuzz (voice) / крокодил-бандит «Чёрный пух», он же «Зелёный хвост», он же дворецкий The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 2)true- Cat / кот, «новый хозяин» (голосовые эффекты) Pennytrue- Little wolf / Goose (voice) Passing Through Moscowtrue- Валентин (сосед Степана по гостиничному номеру) You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?true- Петр Федулеев The Best Road of Our Lifetrue- Егоров Fun of the Youngtrue- Shustrik Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasovtrue- Кобылин The Hattrue- Vasiliy Tryoshkin Энергичные людиtrue- «Курносый» The Communisttrue- worker (uncredited) For the Matchestrue- Jussi Vatanen The Seventh Companiontrue- Commandant The Policemen and the Thievestrue- Slava - factory guard Give Me Back My Rextrue- Cruel dog owner (voice) Uncle Misha Beartrue- The hare (voice) Carrier Fishtrue- Fisherman (voice, uncredited) How Mushrooms Fought Against Peastrue- Narrator / Milk mushroom (voice) Golden Feathertrue- King (voice, uncredited) Oh and Ahtrue- Narrator (voice) Oh and Ah Go on a Hiketrue- Narrator (voice) Profile Images
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