Vera Titova
Vera Titova
Top Movie Cast
The Republic of ShKIDtrue- Marta New Year Adventures of Masha and Vityatrue- Pechka A Very Old Storytrue- witch / davil's grandmother Step Forwardtrue- Barmaid Morning Highwaytrue- Makeikha Red, Honest, in Lovetrue- Hen Black and White Magictrue Exceptions Without Rulestrue- sotrudnitsa brigady Valyushina (Isklyuchenie 3: «Golos») The Incident Which Nobody Noticedtrue- mother Wagtail's Army Fighting Againtrue- traktirshchitsa Царевич Прошаtrue- базарная торговка A Bus Drivertrue- пассажирка с крупой Our Honest Breadtrue- Darya The Quarrel in Lukashitrue The Snow Queentrue- Inkwell Looking for Life Friendtrue Exercise with Three Unknownstrue- Vera Yatsevich - kassir Roadsidetrue- Zhena Grigoriya Semyonovicha A Circletrue- Ekspert-khimik Cherry Towntrue- neighbour with a baby (uncredited) Married for the First Timetrue- recipient-addressee (uncredited) Baltic Skiestrue- correspondent (uncredited) After the Weddingtrue- Nadezhda Osipovna Аварияtrue- рабочая на стройке Gum-Gamtrue- Petya's Grandma The Tobacco King's Surprisetrue