Yevgeni Lebedev
Yevgeni Lebedev
Top Movie Cast
Wedding in Malinovkatrue- Нечипор Energetic Peopletrue- Аристарх Петрович Петроградские Гаврошиtrue Two Captainstrue- Romashov Crime and Punishmenttrue- Marmeladov Blokada: Pulkovskiy merediantrue- Ivan Maksimovich Korolev No Path Through Firetrue- белогвардейский полковник The Beginningtrue- Cauchon Farewell of a Slav Womantrue- Semyon Protasovich, second husband of Anna Ivanovna Ivan's Launchtrue- Игнат Григорьевич The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcasetrue- Doctor Squadron of Flying Hussarstrue- M. I. Kutuzov The Visitor of Stonetrue- Leporello (as Ye. Lebedev) Shepherd Yankatrue- King Durimont and King Obaldin The Centaurstrue- General Pin Strange Peopletrue- Бронька Пупков The Incident Which Nobody Noticedtrue- Yakov Alexeyevich The Truth! Nothing But the Truth!true Ticket to Red Theater, or Death of Coffin-Diggertrue The Last Day of Wintertrue- Отец Николая Direct Linetrue- Neslezkin Unfinished Storytrue- Fyodor Ivanovich Vesnukhin's Fantasiestrue- Clown The Investigation Commissiontrue And There Was Evening, And There Was Morningtrue Fulfillment of Desirestrue Отпуск, который не состоялсяtrue Subject for a Short Storytrue- Pavel Yegorovich Chekhov На Гранатовых островахtrue Синдикат-2true- Борис Савинков Going Inside a Stormtrue- Yakov Agatov The Siege: Operation "Iskra"true- Ivan Korolyov The Siege: Leningrad Metronometrue- Ivan Korolyov Blockade: The Luga Defense Linetrue- Ivan Korolyov Dostigayev and Otherstrue Half A Hour For Miraclestrue- Uncle Varfolomey I Am A Native of Vyatkatrue To Whom Will God Sendtrue Shtormtrue- Laschilin/Gudkov Talents and Admirerstrue- Martyn Prokofievich Narokov Diary of a Madmantrue- Poprishchin I'm Ready to Take a Challengetrue Василий Докучаевtrue- Yegor Top Movie Crew
The PhilistinestrueWriting