Georgi Svetlani
Georgi Svetlani
Top Movie Cast
Kidnapping, Caucasian Styletrue- пьянчужка War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812true- Deacon Air Taxitrue- Senya, flutist Following the Suntrue- старик с удочкой (озвучивает Г. Милляр) War and Peacetrue- Deacon The Secret of the Iron Doortrue- grandfather with two suitcases A Noisy Householdtrue- Sorokonozhkin Three Came Out of the Woodstrue Give Me a Complaints Booktrue- старый скрипач (нет в титрах) White Bim Black Eartrue- medical assistant It's All About the Brothertrue- член приёмной комиссии The Evening Labyrinthtrue Cossacks of the Kubantrue Swineherd and Shepherdtrue Until the Thunder Breakstrue Mashenkatrue- uncle Vasya How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovichtrue- Антон Прокофьевич Голопуз A Hero of Our Timetrue- military man The Siberian Womantrue- житель села Юхонь Thirty-threetrue- Mitrich It Happened in Penkovotrue- Fyodor Utkin Three Poplars on Plyuschikha Streettrue- shepherd It Can't Be!true- Beer's Lover Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariattrue- Old Man Exercise with Three Unknownstrue- Starichyok-bilyardist Third Timetrue- hairdresser Love You. Waiting. Lenatrue- Ded-skripach The Diamond Armtrue- член домкома на общественных началах A Royal Regattatrue- Alyona's grandfather World Championtrue- Potapich Морские рассказыtrue- Actor Максим Максимыч. Таманьtrue- служивый The Flighttrue- профессор с контрабасом The Brothers Karamazovtrue- эпизод Profile Images
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