Georgi Millyar
Georgi Millyar
Top Movie Cast
Kidnapping, Caucasian Styletrue- гостеприимный хозяин с рогом Kingdom of Crooked Mirrorstrue- Наиглавнейший церемониймейстер Aladdin and His Magic Lamptrue- the wisest Father Frosttrue- Baba Jaga Maria, the Wonderful Weavertrue- Prime Minister Croaker Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hairtrue- Chudo-Yudo, also tsar Концертtrue- old man at the carnival Швейк готовится к боюtrue Salavat Yulayevtrue- Manager of the mine (as G. Millyar) Golden Hornstrue- Baba Yaga New Adventures of Puss in Bootstrue- Der Narr/Hexe Pik-Dame Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipestrue- Kashchej The Royal Harestrue- The Minister The Hare, the Squeak and the Violintrue- (voice) Seven Brotherstrue- (voice) Лесные сказкиtrue- (voice) Morning Songtrue- (voice) Mukh the Walkertrue- (voice) War and Peace, Part IV: Pierre Bezukhovtrue- Morel A Million in the Sachtrue- Mr. Million (voice) A Wonder Milltrue- Tsar Andros (voice, uncredited) Wish upon a Piketrue- Tsar Gorokh Garib in the Land of Jinntrue- Garashad (voice) Someone Else's Voicetrue- Глухарь (нет в титрах) The Ballad of Bering and His Friendstrue Vassilisa the Beautifultrue- Baba Yaga and Father Kashchey the Immortaltrue- Кащей Бессмертный The Enchanted Boytrue- Goose (voice) The Humpbacked Horsetrue- Баба Яга Duck Villagetrue- mister Brauni Sovershenno seryoznotrue- швейцар (новелла «Приятного аппетита») The Son of the Stone and the Gianttrue Finest, the Brave Falcontrue- Kastryuk Dubravkatrue- Anton Yurievitch The Fall of Berlintrue- Geman in Subway Do It, Manya!true- Ivan Akimovich Siberianstrue- Grandfather Jakov Включите северное сияниеtrue- physics teacher After the Rain, on Thursdaytrue- слуга Бабадура Mary Poppins, Goodbyetrue- crow (voice) Fairies' Autumn Gifttrue- Old Soldier May Night, or the Drowned Maidentrue- pisar' How Are You, Brother Fox?true The White Poodletrue- servant Ivan The White Poodletrue- Ivan An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Taletrue Своя голова на плечахtrue Once Upon a Timetrue- Drummer (voice) The Ugly Ducklingtrue- Turkey (voice) The Drummer's Fatetrue- дворник детсада Николя The Hunchedback Horsetrue- Tzar (voice) Ordinary Wondertrue- палач Five Stolen Monkstrue- Kashchey The Prince and the Paupertrue- Yokel Precious Gifttrue- Professor Utyatin The Frog Princesstrue- Baba Yaga (voice) Flight with the Astronauttrue- старый конюх If I Were the Boss...true The Day the Earth Frozetrue- Sorcerer Flight to the Monster Countrytrue The Frigid Seatrue- дьячок / скоморох Andrey and Evil Wizardtrue- Смог (злой волшебник) Daughter of the Suntrue- (voice) New Year's Evetrue- Леший (нет в титрах) The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfishtrue- боярин, говорящий: «Не садися не в свои сани!» (в титрах не указан) A Brave Haretrue- старый заяц (voice) It Was I Who Drew the Little Mantrue- маляр Герасим / бродяга Frog the Travellertrue- Small Drake (voice, uncredited) How the Donkey Sought Happinesstrue- The Raven (voice) Rejuvenating Applestrue- Koshchey the Immortal (voice) Geese-Swanstrue- Hedgehog (voice, uncredited) The Soldier's Taletrue- нищий About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculationstrue- Marabu (voice) / Марабу Also Peopletrue- French Soldier Cipollinotrue- 2nd Street Gossip / Uncle Bilberry / Mr. Morkou (voice) Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasovtrue- сосед Evenings on a Farm near Dikankatrue- Чёрт / сплетница The End of Old Beryozovkatrue- passerby (uncredited) I've Bought Myself a Fathertrue- продавец в зоомагазине The Property of Republictrue- пожилой железнодорожник Fun for Old Peopletrue- Aleksey's Father Приятного аппетитаtrue- швейцар It Also Happenstrue- Sanitary epidemiologist Verliokatrue- The grandfather (voice) Big "Wick"true- капитан парохода (новелла « Гудок») Fate of a Mantrue- Drunk German Soldier (uncredited) Strictly Businesstrue- Ebenezer Dorset - Joni's daddy (story «The Ransom of Redskins Chief») Who is the Strongest?true- (voice, uncredited) Sportlandtrue- Chair (voice, uncredited) Beloved Beautytrue- Kaschey the immortal (voice) A Goat-Musiciantrue- Goat (voice, uncredited) The Iron Friendstrue- Nail (voice, uncredited) Dog and Cattrue- Goat (voice, uncredited) Spring Taletrue- Grouse (voice) The Signature Is Illegibletrue- Dog (voice, uncredited) Soon There Will Be Raintrue- Dragon (voice, uncredited) On the Forest Stagetrue- Woodpecker (voice, uncredited) The Forest Concerttrue- Mole (voice) (uncredited) Forest Storytrue- Badger (voice, uncredited) Ambulancetrue- Mr. Boa (voice) The Grandpa and His Little Grandsontrue- Dog (voice, uncredited) Rasplyuev's Days of Funtrue- Омега, чиновник