Emmanuil Geller
Emmanuil Geller
Top Movie Cast
Kidnapping, Caucasian Styletrue- торговец на рынке Aladdin and His Magic Lamptrue Сдаётся квартира с ребёнкомtrue The Pokrovsky Gatestrue- дедушка Савельич Seven Babysitterstrue- Rental Clerk Scarlet Sailstrue- Zimmer Kashchey the Immortaltrue Admiral Ushakovtrue- Турецкий адмирал Attack from the Seatrue- Miescher Goodbye, Boys!true- продавец сладостей Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventurestrue- пассажир автобуса №13, новелла «Напарник» The Circus Princesstrue- Orchestra Conductor Jolly Fellowstrue- Зритель, нет в титрах (Music-hall audience member (uncredited)) Private Detective, or Operation Cooperationtrue- passenger Happy Flighttrue- фокусник The Invisible Mantrue- domovladelets The Visitor of Stonetrue- Khozyain taverny (as E. Geller) Attention! The Magician Is in the City!true- The astronomer Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville...true The Guardiantrue- пассажир с чемоданом и скрипкой Circustrue- The Music Conductor Where Are You Now, Maxim?true In a Quiet Marinatrue- Seller Doctor Aybolittrue- Robber The Green Flametrue- the grandpa of Shurik and Yurik Precious Gifttrue- The druggist An Old Acquaintancetrue- бухгалтер Under the Roofs of Montmartretrue Sasha-Sashenkatrue- человек с партитурой No Fear, No Blametrue- puppeteer Maximkatrue- Slave runner Seven Screams Across the Seatrue Going Inside a Stormtrue- Gatenyan The Gadflytrue- Informant Without Prejudicetrue- Kafa Black Gulltrue- директор бродячего цирка Proizvedenie iskusstvatrue- парикмахер The Purpose of His Lifetrue 100 grams for Braverytrue- alcoholic Incorrigible Liartrue- ceremoniesmaster Four Heartstrue- пассажир Aleksandr Parkhomenkotrue- anarchist (uncredited) One of Ustrue- bookseller Hostile Whirlwindstrue- anarchist (uncredited) Russkiy Suvenirtrue- ginseng seller Troublemakertrue- Vladimir Mikhailovich You to Me, Me to Youtrue- Yegorych The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengerstrue- greek boatman 31st of Junetrue- Master Marlagram Nasreddin in Bukharatrue- Dzhafar Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tramtrue- Passazhir tramvaya v papakhe Ау-у! (Киноальманах)true- дирижёр («Что наша жизнь?! Или что наша жизнь?!»)