Yevgeni Morgunov
Yevgeni Morgunov
Top Movie Cast
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventurestrue- "Бывалый" Kidnapping, Caucasian Styletrue- Бывалый A Tale of Lost Timestrue- driver Paradise Appletrue- Vsevolod Ivanovich Bootleggerstrue- «Бывалый» The Pokrovsky Gatestrue- Соев A Funny Dream, or Laughter and Tearstrue- Tuz Give Me a Complaints Booktrue- директор магазина Seven Old Men and One Girltrue- грабитель («Бывалый») Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gainedtrue Scarlet Sailstrue- Policeman Dog Barbos and Unusual Crosstrue- «Бывалый» The Young Guardtrue- Pocheptsov Never Guessed and Didn't Expecttrue- Neighbor Big Attractiontrue- Bubentsov «Богатырь» идёт в Мартоtrue- Hamphry Sovershenno seryoznotrue- «Бывалый» (новелла «Пёс Барбос и необычный кросс») Goodbye, Boys!true- толстяк в тюбетейке Three Fat Mentrue- Fat man #2 Do It, Manya!true- Kinorezhissyor Premiere in Sosnivkatrue- regional theater director Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурикаtrue Kiev Residenttrue- немецкий офицер We're Sitting Good!true- судья Василий Суриковtrue- комендант снежного городка A Comedy of Days Gone Bytrue- Experienced It's Just Awful!true- Goat owner Circus in the Circustrue- Jealous Husband The Actorstrue- Architect It Happened in the Donbasstrue Swamp Street, or the Cure Against Sextrue The Grandmothers Told in Two...true Летние гастролиtrue- болельщик Hostile Whirlwindstrue- anarchist The Star of the Ballettrue- Shilobrei Eugénie Grandettrue- Cooper (uncredited) Путешествие в молодостьtrue- Zavhoz My Family Treasuretrue- Uncle Sergei Морские рассказыtrue- «Singer» Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tramtrue- Grabitel Fate of a Mantrue- Fat German Soldier (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Когда казаки плачутtrueDirecting
Когда казаки плачутtrueWriting
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