Mikhail Pugovkin
Mikhail Pugovkin
Top Movie Cast
The First Day of Freedomtrue- Grigorij Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventurestrue- прораб, новелла «Напарник» Wedding in Malinovkatrue- Яшка-артиллерист Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hairtrue- Yeremei, the tsar The Girlstrue- commandant Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Professiontrue- Карп Савельевич Якин 12 Chairstrue- Отец Фёдор It Can't Be!true- Grigori Gorbushkin Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipestrue- Tsar The Adventures of Prince Floriseltrue- садовник Рэберн Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville...true The Musicians from Brementrue A Snow Fairy Taletrue- Chauffeur Sailors Have No Questionstrue- Uncle Misha Lyalka-Ruslan and His Friend Sankatrue SportLotto - 82true- San Sanych May Starstrue- Sergeant-major Ivanov Summer Is Overtrue- Экспедитор The Sword and the Dragontrue- Razumets Finest, the Brave Falcontrue- Voyevoda The New Adventures of Captain Vrungeltrue- Captain Vrungel After the Fairtrue- Prancevitch Prikazano Vzyat Zhivymtrue- Border Guard Outpost's Starshina Admiral Ushakovtrue- Матрос Пирожков Attack from the Seatrue- Pirozhkov A Girl with Guitartrue- Penkin The Artist from Gribovtrue- Georgy Gololobov Sitting on the Golden Porchtrue- Царь Федот Soldier Ivan Brovkintrue- Zachar Silich Ivan Brovkin on the State Farmtrue- Zakhar Silych The Little Mermaidtrue- Thicklipped Land and Peopletrue- Grishka Khvat Visiting the Minotaurtrue- Мельник Married Bachelortrue- Vasiliy Petrovich Bulavin Egorkatrue- боцман Топорщук Penalty Kicktrue- Кукушкин Павел Васильевич, бывший руководитель животноводческого комплекса Shelmenko the Orderlytrue- Шельменко, денщик Fit for Non-Combatanttrue Good Morningtrue- Продавец Give Me a Complaints Booktrue- азартный сосед Pernicious Sundaytrue- Мирон Сергеевич Fortress on Wheelstrue- Vozhzhov We Called Him Roberttrue- Knopkin Knight Movetrue- Khariton Erofeevich Pomerantsev The Variegateds Casetrue- Сафрон Ложкин, вор-домушник Until the Thunder Breakstrue Nylon 100%true- артист Михаил Лошатников The Invincible Battaliontrue- Kolpakov Cherry Towntrue- Kovalyov They Were Nineteen Years Oldtrue- Nikodim Ivanovich Baba The Man With the Accordiontrue- дядя Коля A Traveller with Luggagetrue- Taxi driver Swamp Street, or the Cure Against Sextrue Чудак-человекtrue- Межа, управляющий конторой «Заготскот» Old Songs About the Main Thing 3true- режиссёр Якин Brotherstrue- Vanya Komarov Concert for the Fronttrue- Soldier Happy Birthdaytrue- Militsioner For the Matchestrue- Police Chief Big "Wick"true- выигравший в шашки (новелла «Шашки») Profile Images
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