Aleksey Vanin
Aleksey Vanin
Top Movie Cast
Gentlemen of Fortunetrue- бывший вор, вставший на честный путь Импровизация на тему биографииtrue This is Moscow Speakingtrue The Red Snowball Treetrue- Пётр Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputintrue- legatee's educator Let's Talk, Brother...true The Spaceship of Alienstrue Spanish Actress for Russian Ministertrue- член комиссии Where Are You, Bagira?true- Papa Tani Two Shorestrue- Sergei Zakharovich, foreman Gray Mousetrue- Иван Кандауров Нам здесь житьtrue- Mikhail The Secret of the Notebooktrue- Bandit The Outskirtstrue- Vasiliy Perfilyev Through the Bosphorus and the Dardanellestrue- Антоныч My Best Friend, General Vasili, the Son of Joseph Stalintrue Your Son and Brothertrue- Игнатий Воеводин, старший сын, циркач For the Power of the Sovietstrue Call Me from Afartrue- Aleksey Love in Russian 2true- зек «Президент» The Extra Arrives on the Second Pathtrue- Голей The End of the Lyubavinestrue- Yashka They Fought for Their Motherlandtrue- soldier Akim Borzykh Afonyatrue- Иван Орлов, муж Елены Our Callingtrue- председатель сельсовета Love You. Waiting. Lenatrue- Ignat - mashinist lokomativa Childhood Holidaystrue- chairman You to Me, Me to Youtrue- bathhouse's lover (uncredited) Leon Garros Is Looking for His Friendtrue- theatergoer (uncredited) World Championtrue- Ilya Gromov Максим Максимыч. Таманьtrue- эпизод Time to Flytrue- служащий аэропорта на митинге (нет в титрах)