Natalya Fateeva
Natalya Fateeva
Top Movie Cast
Gentlemen of Fortunetrue- Людмила, дочь профессора Мальцева Moscow-Cassiopeiatrue- мать Паши Козелкова Teens in the Universetrue- Антонина Алексеевна Козелкова Everything is Decided in a Momenttrue- тренер Елена Павловна Рыжова Right of First Signaturetrue Private Life of the Directortrue Sleep in Your Hand, or a Suitcasetrue Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №1. Testament Emperortrue Бенефис Ларисы Голубкинойtrue A Man from the Boulevard des Capucinestrue- Chief's wife The Tobacco Captaintrue- Natasha Wife For The Maître D'hôteltrue The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changedtrue- Sobolevskaya Moscow, I Love You!true- пожилая дама From Evening to Noontrue- Alla Hello, It's Me!true- Lyusya From the Life of a Chief of the Criminal Policetrue- Teacher Practical Joketrue- Kaleriya Georgiyevna The Secret of the Cavetrue- Marat's Mom Forest Captaintrue- Lover Before We Parttrue- Larisa Andreyevna In Transittrue- Анна Вячеславовна Children of Don Quixotetrue- Marina Nikolaevna, director of the theater According to the Laws of Wartrue Cash Collector's Bagtrue- Kseniya Kovalyova It's Just Awful!true- Literature teacher The Variegateds Casetrue- Лена The Songs of the Seatrue- Nina Exodustrue- Varya Fedorova Синдикат-2true- Любовь Деренталь Spanish Actress for Russian Ministertrue- «звезда» Наташа Фатеева Some Guytrue- Таня Оленина Шкураtrue- жена Куропатова The Incident at Mine No. 8true- Alla Kraeva Anna Pavlovatrue- Kschessinska Капитан «Старой черепахи»true I Am Berezatrue- Yelena («Beryoza») Profile Images
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