Georgiy Vitsin
Georgiy Vitsin
Top Movie Cast
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventurestrue- "Трус" Gentlemen of Fortunetrue- Гаврила Петрович Шереметьев, Хмырь Kidnapping, Caucasian Styletrue- Трус A Tale of Lost Timestrue- Andrei One, Two, Altogether!true- The One-Eared Wolf (voice) The Orange Necktrue- Podkovkin (voice) 12 Chairstrue- монтёр Мечников The Boy from Napolitrue- Little signore (voice) A Hazel Tree Twigtrue- Kloantsa (voice) The Road to Berthtrue- Великанкин It Can't Be!true- Katerina's Father I Don't Want to and I Won't!true- (voice) Все непонятливыеtrue- (voice) Робинзон Кузяtrue- (voice) Car, Violin and Blot the Dogtrue- музыкант на банджо и гитаре Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the centurytrue- Ice cream seller (voice) Save the Drowning Mantrue- Начальник милиции A Funny Dream, or Laughter and Tearstrue- Krivello / Jack of Spades Give Me a Complaints Booktrue- заведующий отделом Seven Old Men and One Girltrue- грабитель («Трус») A Very Old Storytrue- good wizard Hello, Moscow!true- Railwayman (uncredited) Only the Statues Are Silenttrue The Adventures of Buratinotrue- Giuseppe (voice) Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushkatrue A Miracle Makertrue- Rooster (voice) Голубой огонек - в первый часtrue- Self The Humpbacked Horsetrue- Spalnik (voice) Don Quixotetrue- Sanson Carrasco Dangerous for Your Life!true- Chokolov Dog Barbos and Unusual Crosstrue- «Трус» The Sannikov Landtrue- Ignati, the Perfilyev's servant The Marriage of Balzaminovtrue- Balzaminov The Enchanted Boytrue- Rozenblom (voice) Man of Musictrue- Nikolai V. Gogol She Loves Youtrue- Kanareikin Big Attractiontrue- Galkin Sovershenno seryoznotrue- «Трус» (новелла «Пёс Барбос и необычный кросс») Finest, the Brave Falcontrue- Agafon Shepherd Yankatrue- Prince Cookimor Magic Storetrue- Wizard Store Manager (voice) Little Haretrue- помощник режиссера Федор Михайлович A Girl with Guitartrue- Buyer Adventures of Murzilkatrue- Starling / Janitor Uncle Egor ( uncredited ) Maksim Perepelitsatrue- Musii, an old man The First Trolleybustrue- The Drinker The Guardiantrue- Тебеньков, алкоголик и тунеядец The Boys from Leningradtrue- Vasya Vesnushkin How We Were Searching for Tishkatrue- Stepanov, sergeant of militia Absent-Minded Giovannitrue- The Postman (voice) Rikki-Tikki-Tavitrue- отец Рикки-Тикки-Тави, озвучка The Winter's Taletrue- Bullfinch (voice) Cain the XVIII-thtrue- Freelance Hangman Spring Taletrue- Царь Берендей Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурикаtrue Valuable Kopecktrue- Old five-copeck coin(voice) My Destinytrue- пьяница с расческой Царевич Прошаtrue- король Каторз Девятый Film, Film, Filmtrue- (voice) The Dear Boytrue- Mr. McIntosh Василий Суриковtrue- Репин Слонёнокtrue- бабуин, озвучка The Little Jackal and the Little Cameltrue- The Little Jackal Reporter from Overseastrue An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Taletrue I Don't Want to Be Filmedtrue- помощник режиссёра Two Storiestrue- зайка (voice) A Brave Haretrue- храбрый заяц (voice) A Comedy of Days Gone Bytrue- Coward The Twelve Monthstrue- Raven (voice) The Baby-Goat, Who Counted up to Tentrue- Horse (voice) Where have I seen him?true- Mr. Pencil [Karandash] (voice) Once Upon a Timetrue- Foreign prince / Deacon (voice) The Ugly Ducklingtrue- Turkeycock / Rooster / Goose / Cat (voice) Train From Romashkovotrue- Papa (voice) Go There, Don't Know Wheretrue A Little Time Machinetrue In the Thirteenth Hour of the Nighttrue- Vodyanoy Who Invented the Wheel?true- Uncle Spring Chorestrue- Pud Salazkin The Hunchedback Horsetrue- Spalnik (voice) Adventures of Brownietrue- Kuz'ka (voice) / Кузя, Кот The Brave Tailortrue- Minister (voice) The Wrestler and the Clowntrue- Enrico, a clown While the Clocks Are Tickingtrue- Masha's grandfather / Great Gardener Murder on Dante Streettrue- Pitu At Exactly Three Fifteen ...true- [Karandash,Petrushka] (voice) Father Frost and the Grey Wolftrue- Hare-Daddy (voice) The Cat's Housetrue- Billy-Goat (voice) Ау-у! (Киноальманах)true- учёный-этнограф («И подъехали к избе сваты… Или похождения писателя Сени в поисках слова затаённого») I Was a Sputnik of the Suntrue The Whirligig of Lifetrue How to Become a Grown-Uptrue- The Mushroom (voice) How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovichtrue- Николай Васильевич Гоголь Kak rozhdayutsya tostytrue The Bag Of Applestrue- Hare (voice) / Заяц (голос) What is the Theory of Relativity?true Three Fat Mentrue- (voice) The Actorstrue- Nil Palych Elephant Went to Studytrue- Кот (голос) Rabbit and Flytrue- The Sparrow (voice) Как утёнок-музыкант стал футболистомtrue- Утёнок-хулиган Wishes Come Truetrue- Nobleman / Guard (voice, uncredited) How the Fox Chased the Haretrue- hare (voice) The Keytrue- daddy (voice) The Tale of the Golden Roostertrue- The Sage (voice) It Was I Who Drew the Little Mantrue- кондитер / поэт, желавший славы Different Wheelstrue- The Cockerel (voice) / Петух Хочу бодаться!true- The Hare (voice) / Заяц Road to the Seatrue- Aleksandr Terentyevich A Peacock's Tailtrue- Doctor Aybolit (voice) (uncredited) / Доктор Айболит Maria, Mirabellatrue- King (voice) The Little Shiptrue- Ant (voice) About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculationstrue- The Wolf, The Giraffe, The Crocodile (voice) / Волк, Жираф, Крокодил A House for Kuzkatrue- Kuzya (voice) / Кузя (все серии), один из грузчиков и гостей Return of Brownietrue- Kuzya (voice) / Кузя Tale for Natashatrue- Kuzka (voice) / Кузя Cipollinotrue- cactus (voice) The Tales for Old and Youngtrue- Hare (voice) Fathers and Sonstrue- Ситников Incorrigible Liartrue- Aleksei Ivanovich Tyutyurin The End of Old Beryozovkatrue- geometry teacher The First Teachertrue- voice (Kartinbai) Артист из Кохановкиtrue- Kuzma (as H. Vitsin) The Tale of the Snow Maidentrue A Groom from the Right Societytrue- Pyotr Petrovich Fikusov For the Matchestrue- Tahvo Kenonen Red, Blue, Greentrue- директор музея Удивительная история, похожая на сказкуtrue- Narrator (voice) Yesterday, Today and Alwaystrue The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Trickstrue- The Little Signor (voice) Magician Bakhram's Heritagetrue Telephonetrue- The Crocodile (voice) Greetings to Our Friendstrue- Fanfan the Reporter (voice) The Dragontrue- The tax collector (voice) Verliokatrue- The drake (voice) Сегодня день рожденияtrue An Honest Crocodile Wordtrue Birthdaytrue- Greedy Dwarf How It Happenedtrue- (voice) The Life and Suffering of Ivan Semenovtrue- Third doctor (voice) Strictly Businesstrue- Sam - fraud (story «The Ransom of Redskins Chief») What Kind of Bird Is This?true- Goose (voice) Somebody Else's Trackstrue- Rooster (voice, uncredited) The Tale of the Old Cedartrue- Mushroom (voice) We Are Following the Suntrue- Hedgehog / Owl (voice) Visiting the Gnomestrue- Gnome (voice, uncredited) Про Петрушкуtrue- Clothes owner (voice, uncredited) Sportlandtrue- Hottabych (voice) Beloved Beautytrue- Wood dust / Magpie / Little crow (voice) Only Not Nowtrue- Magician Now (voice) Why Did the Kitten Go Away?true- Narrator (voice, uncredited) The Old Man and the Cranetrue- Crane (voice) How Mushrooms Fought Against Peastrue- Cod (voice, uncredited) How the Puppy Was Taught to Swimtrue- Swan (voice) Little Shegotrue- Parrot (voice, uncredited) A Goat-Musiciantrue- First hedgehog (voice, uncredited) The End of the Black Swamptrue- Leshiy (voice) Dog and Cattrue- Bear cub (voice, uncredited) A Bragging Anttrue- Grasshopper (voice) Who Is Going to the Exhibition?true- Little metal man (voice) On the Forest Stagetrue- Hare (voice, uncredited) The Stolen Crescenttrue- Crescent (voice) The Tale About Malchish-Kibalchishtrue- Grandfather / English general (voice) Межаtrue- Old Man (voice) (uncredited) The Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the Roostertrue- Rooster / Sparrow (voice, uncredited) The Wolf and the Seven Kidstrue- Woodpecker (voice, uncredited) Four Coinstrue- Old man Akhmed (voice, uncredited) Neznaika at Schooltrue- Dr. Pilyulkin / Tyubik / Toropyzhka (voice, uncredited) Beavers Are on the Trailtrue- Teacher beaver (voice) A Wonder Milltrue- Cock (voice, uncredited) The Adventures of Full Stop and Commatrue- Little klyaksa / Exclamation mark / Question mark (voice, uncredited) Forest Storytrue- Crane-dentist (voice, uncredited) Queen Toothbrushtrue- Soap (voice) Tall Tales in Facestrue- Yegor (voice) The Snow Postmantrue- Snowman (voice) Profile Images
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