Valentina Talyzina
Valentina Talyzina
Top Movie Cast
Afonyatrue- Людмила Ивановна Вострякова, мастер ЖЭКа Путешествие миссис Шелтонtrue Scenes from Family Lifetrue Наш американский Боряtrue Say a Word for the Poor Hussartrue- Анна Петровна Спешнева The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!true- подруга Нади My Dearly Beloved Detectivetrue- Mrs. Acton Old Men: Robberstrue- Секретарша Федяева Zigzag of Successtrue- Alevtina Vasiliyevna Guest from the Futuretrue- Mariya Pavlovna, starshaya medsestra Новогодний папаtrue- тётя Валя Flying Dutchmantrue- Серафима After the Rain, on Thursdaytrue- Варвара, главная ключница Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputintrue- Aglaya Akilina The Long Recesstrue- Nina Petrovna Ivan's Launchtrue- Еленка Three from Prostokvashinotrue- Mother (voice) Vacations in Prostokvashinotrue- Mother (voice) Winter in Prostokvashinotrue- Mother (voice) Ruanskaya Deva po Prozvishchu Pyshkatrue A French Lessontrue- тётя Надя Маруся. Трудные взрослыеtrue- Зоя Васильевна, мать Анны Taimyr Calls Youtrue- Елена Николаевна Попова, мама Любы Geniustrue- Смирнова - мать Насти Spanish Actress for Russian Ministertrue- учительница-туристка Good Luck, Gentlemen!true The Long Recesstrue- teacher Little Man in a Big Wartrue Breakfast on the Grasstrue- пионервожатая Анна Петровна The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitantstrue Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russiatrue- Hotel floor attendant Arbat Motiftrue- Maya Mikhailovna Анютины глазки и барские ласкиtrue- barynya Meet Me While Passing Throughtrue Before Dinnertrue- Анна Ивановна Marriagetrue- Fyokla Ivanovna Izmeklēšanā noskaidrotstrue- Lidiya Naydyonova Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...true- Валерия Аркадьевна Вознесенская (новелла «Овчарка Барсик») Lisa Patrikeevnatrue- Лиса Still Love, Still Hopetrue- Antonina The Evening Labyrinthtrue Almanzor's Ringstrue- Queen A Man for a Young Girltrue Morning Without Markstrue- Grandmother of Kostya Korolkov While the Mountains Still Stand...true- Скуратова The Irony of Fate. The Sequeltrue- Валентина, подруга Нади Organized Trip to the Theatretrue- Polina Close Your Eyestrue- Babushka Foki Zudov, You're Fired!true- Zoya Kirillovna, head of the club A Child's Worldtrue- Mila Cat Kotofeyevitchtrue- The Fox (voice) At Another People's Holidaytrue Housekeeper and Lacemakertrue All About My Sistertrue- grandmother Facts of the Past Daytrue- Vera Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasovtrue- Дарья Ивановна Кобылина Other People's Companytrue- Valentina Petrovna On the Eve of the Premieretrue- Valentina Stepanovna Profile Images
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