Spartak Mishulin
Spartak Mishulin
Top Movie Cast
The White Sun of the Deserttrue- Саид Aziris Nunatrue- Watchman Inspector Generaltrue- Хлопов Old Songs about the Main Thing 2true The Wizard of Oztrue- (voice) Something About the Wheeltrue- (voice) Робинзон Кузяtrue- (voice) Car, Violin and Blot the Dogtrue- музыкант без инструмента, таксист, прохожий A Man from the Boulevard des Capucinestrue- Chief of comanches The Charming Travellertrue- Gypsy The Musicians from Brementrue The Property of Republictrue- Tarakanov Private Detective, or Operation Cooperationtrue- Georgi Mikhailovich Hello, Warsaw!true- Kashkin There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beachtrue- Eunuch The Master and Margaritatrue- Archibald Archibaldovich Deniska's Storiestrue- ведущий на карнавале Az and Ferttrue- Mordashov Schweik in World War IItrue A Puppy from the Constellation of the Dogtrue- store manager Conventtrue- Антон Ладыгин We're Sitting Good!true- Толкач In the Kingdom of Far Far Awaytrue A Gullible Dragontrue- aviator Karlsson-on-the-Rooftrue- Karlson In the Thirteenth Hour of the Nighttrue- Leshiy Little Comedies in a Big Housetrue Be Careful, Vasilyok!true Graveyard Shifttrue- Customer Kysh and TwoBriefcasestrue- Васин Ау-у! (Киноальманах)true- Спартак Васильевич/придворный («Что наша жизнь?! Или что наша жизнь?!») Tablet Under the Tonguetrue Alice Through the Looking Glasstrue- Tweedledum (voice) Неуловимый фунтикtrue- Pincher / сыщик Пинчер Фунтик в циркеtrue- Pincher / сыщик Пинчер Фунтик и старушка с усамиtrue- Pincher / сыщик Пинчер Фунтик и сыщикиtrue- Pincher / сыщик Пинчер Damn Drunktrue- Stepan Dodonyshkin Tentrue- министр финансов Three Days of a Holidaytrue There Will Be A Movie!true- Himself Interview with Springtrue Исчезательtrue- Gopstock the policeman (voice) No Smoke Without Firetrue