Vladimir Zamanskiy
Vladimir Zamanskiy
Top Movie Cast
На углу Арбата и улицы Бубулинасtrue Mournful Unconcerntrue- Madzini The Steamroller and the Violintrue- Sergei Days of Eclipsetrue- Snegovoy Melody for Two Voicestrue- Nikolay Pavlovich Cheka Employeetrue- Smagin 100 Days Before the Commandtrue- The Unknown Man Trial on the Roadtrue- Alexander Ivanovich Lazarev The Only Onetrue- Tatarintsev The Flighttrue- Баев, командир красного полка In the Zone of Special Attentiontrue We Looked in the Death's Facetrue A Long, Long Dealtrue- Фёдор Гаврилович, зам. прокурора РСФСР Inspector of Criminal Investigationtrue- «Крот» The Director of the Foster Hometrue- Matvey Semyonovich Tomorrow Was the Wartrue- Leonid Lyuberetsky Twilight Time of the Daytrue- Konstantin Korovin Point, Point, Comma...true Point, Point, Comma...true- Zhenya's father Front Without Flankstrue- Nikolai Sergeevich, commander of a partisan detachment Allegro with Firetrue- Иванков, военный инженер 2-го ранга, командир особой группы In Transittrue- Андрей Андреевич Логинов Flight Is Postponedtrue- Sergei Petrovich Bakchenin, intelligence officer Небо со мнойtrue- Дмитрий Грибов A Story About a Simple Thingtrue Do Not Shoot at White Swanstrue- Mikhail Matveevitch Lullabytrue- Andrei Petreanu Russian Pioneerstrue- Vasily Gremyakin Commander's Daytrue- Zasmolin Kysh and TwoBriefcasestrue- завуч, Пал Палыч Man Without a Passporttrue- Александр Рябич Day of Admittance on Personal Matterstrue- Пальмин Exodustrue- Prokhov / Somov Farewelltrue- новый комдив In a Hard Hourtrue- Parfentyev A Case from Investigative Practicetrue- Semyon Sukharev - muzh Sukharevoy sotrudnik NII Someone Else'strue- Алексей Путятин Three days after the immortalitytrue The Miretrue- military сommissar The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhintrue- Stanislav Aleksandrovich Not the Most Successful Daytrue- Mitya Stepanov Quarantinetrue- Sergey Anisimovich Makhov While a Person is Alivetrue- Павел Федорович Широков Mission in Kabultrue- Aleksei Repin, military advisor Fun for Old Peopletrue- Vasiliy Ivanovich Грешницаtrue- Ivan Filippovich - predsedatel Ищите и найдетеtrue- Sergey Антрацитtrue- Grigoriy Zhurba