Doskhan Zholzhaksynov
Doskhan Zholzhaksynov
Top Movie Cast
About Love, Friendship and Destinytrue Nomad: The Warriortrue- Galdan Ceren, the Jungar Sultan Spotted Dog Running at the Edge of the Seatrue Keep Your Startrue- Askerbek Goodbye, Medeotrue- Karim Kazakh Khanate: Diamond Swordtrue Myn Bala: Warriors of the Steppetrue Roundup of Feral Dogstrue The Descent of the White Leopardtrue- Mundusbai Kazakh Khanate: The Golden Thronetrue- Shaibanshah The Championtrue- Ilyas Sharipovich The Victims Have No Grievancetrue- Ильяс Садыков Mirages of Lovetrue- Khodzha Zulfikar