David Lai Tai-Wai
David Lai Tai-Wai
Hong Kong Director
Top Movie Cast
Women on the Runtrue- David Cheung Top Movie Crew
Women on the RuntrueProduction
Sworn BrotherstrueWriting
Women on the RuntrueDirecting
Saviour of the SoultrueDirecting
Operation ScorpiotrueDirecting
Midnight GirlstrueDirecting
Duel to the DeathtrueWriting
Lonely FifteentrueDirecting
Sworn BrotherstrueDirecting
Saviour Of The Soul IItrueDirecting
Timeless RomancetrueDirecting
Mahjong DragontrueDirecting
Spiritual LovetrueDirecting
Operation ScorpiotrueWriting
Possessed IItrueDirecting
Runaway BluestrueDirecting
Heaven and EarthtrueDirecting
Heaven and EarthtrueProduction
The Body Is WillingtrueDirecting
Crimson StreettrueDirecting
Merry Go RoundtrueDirecting
The TransportertrueProduction
Transporter 2trueProduction
Gameboy KidstrueProduction
Midnight WhisperstrueDirecting
DOA: Dead or AlivetrueProduction
She Shoots StraighttrueProduction