Giampiero Albertini
Giampiero Albertini
Top Movie Cast
The Suspectstrue- Matteo Gallone The Case of the Bloody Iristrue- Commissioner Enci Burn!true- Henry Thompson The Last Roundtrue- Sapienza Zorrotrue- Brother Francisco It's a Hard Lifetrue- Libero Fornaciari Mark Strikes Againtrue- Montelli Return of Sabatatrue- Joe McIntock A Minute to Pray, a Second to Dietrue- Fred Duskin Many Wars Ago...true- Capt. Abbati Holy Yeartrue- Commissioner Mazzola Halleluja to Vera Cruztrue- Gen. Miguel Gangsters '70true- Sempresì Seven Golden Mentrue- August (le portugais) Seven Golden Men Strike Againtrue- August 7 Hours of Violencetrue- Police Commissioner Italian Secret Servicetrue- Ottone Pinocchiotrue- Straccivendolo (voce) On Asphalt at Full Speed!true- Albertarelli Dove volano i corvi d'argentotrue- Istevene's Father The Head of the Familytrue- muratore Natalino Don't Shoot on Childrentrue- Sign. Settimi L'enigma delle due sorelletrue- Commissario Franceschini The Black Sheeptrue- Santarini Saremo felicitrue- Padre di Checcone Chiunque Tu Siatrue- Alfredo Doumenec Eat It - Mangialatrue- Farmer Suggestionatatrue- Francesco padre di Rachele Blood, Sweat and Feartrue- Brigadiere Bonetti Rome, Armed to the Teethtrue- Inspector Caputo Tiffany Memorandumtrue- Cunningham's Chief Agent March on Rometrue- Cristoforo Thrillingtrue- Il "Rosso" (segment "L'autostrada del sole") Made in Italytrue- Immigrant (segment "6 Final episode") La rosa rossatrue- Andrea The Voyage Into the Whirlpool Has Beguntrue- Officer escorting the train La strada più lungatrue- Ferro Please Don't Shoot Your Guntrue- Joe A Matter of Timetrue- Mr. DePerma