Mai Kei
Mai Kei
Top Movie Cast
We're Going to Eat Youtrue- Rolex's Friend Energetic-21true- Street Racer Pedicab Drivertrue- Master 5's Thug Cop of the Towntrue- Chimney Bullet for Hiretrue- Kwai Water Tank Murder Mysterytrue In the Line of Duty 7: Sea Wolvestrue- Micky, Murdered Fence Carry on Pickpockettrue- Driver Crashes with Sgt Wu Long Arm of the Law IIItrue- Brothel driver for Mun Project A: Part IItrue- Cobra Bruce and the Iron Fingertrue Miracles: The Canton Godfathertrue- Chen Wah's Man Prostitute Loves Policetrue Fearless Hyena 2true- Man Who Has a Bird in Restaurant (uncredited) Fist of Fury 3true- Japanese thug Peace Hoteltrue- Blind Musician Police Story 2true- Policeman on Stake-Out When Fortune Smilestrue- Lung's Man Inspector Chocolatetrue- Child smuggler driving 18 wheeler Street Angelstrue- Robert, Yen's stepfather Legend Of The Liquid Swordtrue- Emperor Taoism Drunkardtrue- Wine shopkeeper The Transmigration Romancetrue- Maniac Invitation of Ghosttrue- Robber with Machete The Loottrue- Security Chief Goh Pok Double Fattinesstrue- Chi's thug Yes, Madam!true- Flasher in Video Store She Shoots Straighttrue- Michael (uncredited) Lucky Diamondtrue- Chauffeur The Bachelor's Swan Songtrue- Michael An Eye for an Eyetrue- Boatsman Top Movie Crew
Taoism DrunkardtrueWriting
Lucky DiamondtrueProduction
Bruce and the Iron FingertrueProduction
Bruce and the Iron FingertrueProduction
The Young Taoism FightertrueProduction
The Ghost InformertrueProduction
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