Ken Utsui
Ken Utsui
Top Movie Cast
Attack from Spacetrue- Starman Evil Brain from Outer Spacetrue- Starman Atomic Rulerstrue- Starman The Great Walltrue- Crown Prince Tan The Bullet Traintrue- Kuramochi Shinibanatrue- Kōtarō Inō Jusei: Last Drop of Bloodtrue Invaders from Spacetrue- Starman The Silent Sword: Loyalty and Honortrue Shoujo ni Nani ga Okotta katrue Kuronekokan ni Kieta Otokotrue The Demon of Sendai's Castletrue Gokusen: The Movietrue- Ryuichiro Kuroda Long Swords of the Loyal Forty-Seventrue AIBOU: X-DAYtrue- Fumio Kaneko Life of Matsu the Untamedtrue King of the Ring: The World of Glorytrue Broken Blossomstrue- Kenji Yoshinari Secret White Line Zonetrue 東京の夜は泣いているtrue- Masaya Taki Queen Bee's Angertrue- Hurricane Masa Ōkuma Shigenobu the greattrue- Shigenobu Ôkuma Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese Wartrue- Lieutenant Commander Hirose The Little Runawaytrue- Teacher Tabata Black Reporttrue- Akira Kido Fight to the Death in a Blizzardtrue Enigmatic Explosion of the Battleship Mutsutrue- Lieutenant Kaneda Nude Actress Murder Case: Five Criminalstrue The Sacrifice of the Human Torpedoestrue- Ensign Murase Twilight Saloontrue- Masumi AIBOU: The Movie IItrue- Kaneko A Tale of Mari and Three Puppiestrue Siberian Express 3true- Denzo Miyagi Signaltrue- Ruka's grandfather The Black Trademarktrue- Koji Sugino Song of Lovetrue- Tomekichi Nanase Emperor & Empress Meiji and the Sino-Japanese Wartrue The Matsukawa Incidenttrue Seven Samuraitrue- Samurai Wandering through Town (uncredited) Shishun no izumitrue- Tokizo Super Gianttrue- Super Giant Tales of the Bizarre: 2012 Autumn Specialtrue The Man Disappears Yesterdaytrue Until the Lights Come Backtrue- Kanau Yoshikazu Super Giant Continuestrue- Super Giant Super Giant: The Mysterious Spacemen's Demonic Castletrue- Super Giant Super Giant: Earth on the Verge of Destructiontrue- Super Giant Super Giant: The Artificial Satellite and the Destruction of Humanitytrue- Super Giant Super Giant: The Spaceship and the Clash of the Artificial Satellitetrue- Super Giant Admiral Yamamoto and the Allied Fleetstrue Super Giant: The Space Mutant Appearstrue- Super Giant Super Giant Continues: The Devil's Incarnationtrue- Super Giant Super Giant Continues: Kingdom of the Poison Mothtrue- Super Giant The Story of a Blind Womantrue G-Men of the Sea: Pacific Ocean Bodyguardstrue